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How did you become a fan?

Rand al'Thor

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Hi, everyone.

I have been a major fan of The Wheel of Time since my dad tossed me his old first addition copy of Eye of the World. Having loved the books for so long, I was devastated when Robert Jordan died. When I had seen that Brandon had been chosen to write the last book(s), I was instantly upset. What where they thinking? No one could replace RJ. Then, in a anger fueled burst of capitalism, I bought Alantris, mistborn, and the Warbreaker Graphic Adiobook. And loved them all.

Before I knew it, I had burned threw all his books, and eagerly waiting for more. No one could do Robert Jordan like RJ, but Brandon Sanderson is the only writer who could give the books the end they deserved.

So, title sums it up nicely, how did you guys find your fandom? How did you guys end up on this forum?

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Ahoy there Rand :D indeed it is the Dark Ones own luck :D I found Dragonmount a few years ago, never really gelled. I then checked in at wot.wikia and spent some time over there. I tried to find some Brandon fandom as soon as I'd read his stuff, and so joined this place straight away :D I've been at the Coppermind ever since.

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Welcome to the forum! Watch out for spikes ;)

I got into BS's stuff when my big brother (who is a WOT fan) got me to read Brandon's books. Joshua had read them all, and after I devoured them last summer I kept trying to talk to him about them. But Joshua doesn't really enjoy speculating about books the way I do, and I'd heard in a couple interviews (or maybe it was on Writing Excuses or something) that 17th shard was Mr, Sanderson's fansite. I googled and joined in December, but didn't really become active until... last week or so. Now I have no idea why I waited so long!

Haven't actually read WoT, planning my read-through to begin in the fall so I can finish in time for the release!

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Like stated before me, watch for spikes. The staff have been known to have Hemalurgic Labratories to experiment. But everyone here is awesome. :) I ended up here becuase I was reading Mistborn(Which if you haven't you have to read) and I was searching for information about the world when I stumbled across the Coppermind Wiki. This then made me check out the host site, which is why I am here. Welcome, make sure you have read all of the Cosmere books before you go into the General Theories page.

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