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The Metallurgic Arts & Hereditary effects


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I'm new here. So this is something I have been thinking about, all the Arts are hereditary, as far as I can see. In the Alloy of law one character is said to have Koloss blood. Taking this into account a kandra could mate with a human and the human would have shapeshifting abilities. Anyone with a spike providing femurchemical or allomatic abilities would pass those abilities on to their desendents. They could start breeding allomancers, ofcourse since hemurugy causes energy loss the next generation would have greatly weakened abilities. So what are anyone elses thoughts?

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kandra blood would be interesting though i doubt they could shape shift as much as the original kandra. i doubt inquitor powers would be as genetic as i see it the powers arnt in them its in the metal so u could transfer the metal spikes to the next generation but unlike kolloss or kandra they dont seem to be a diffrent speices...

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I'm new here. So this is something I have been thinking about, all the Arts are hereditary, as far as I can see. In the Alloy of law one character is said to have Koloss blood. Taking this into account a kandra could mate with a human and the human would have shapeshifting abilities. Anyone with a spike providing femurchemical or allomatic abilities would pass those abilities on to their desendents. They could start breeding allomancers, ofcourse since hemurugy causes energy loss the next generation would have greatly weakened abilities. So what are anyone elses thoughts?

"Koloss-blooded" characters result from the fact that Harmony turned the koloss into a true-breeding race, like humans or mistwraiths. So i don't think this has anything to do with Hemalurgy. I don't think kandra and humans could mate, but that's just because of genetic differences.

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if a kandra and human mate would the result be infertal? such asbwhe a lion and tiger create a liger?

No, i think you would not get any offspring at all. (Like what would happen if a lion tried to mate with an elephant.)

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The only kandra that were ever once human are the First generation. All the others were made from mistwraiths that were children of the first mistwraiths, (that used to be Feruchemists). All the other kandra were never actually human, just the decedents of something that used to be human, but now bears no relation. I don't know if a human and a kandra could have a child. I'm sure the kandra can make human reproductive organs though. I wonder if they have the same number of chromosomes as humans?

Edited by Windrunner
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I don't think that a kandra and a human could produce any offspring whatsoever. The koloss are (or were) essentially still human, but with twisted physical forms due to their hemalurgic origins. So it stands that if Harmony changed them into a true-breeding species, that they would be able to mate with humans to produce offspring. Whereas all kandra (excepting the first generation) are constructed from mistwraiths, something completely different.

Although, the fact that the kandra have shapeshifting abilities kind of mucks it up a bit. We have no idea whether that means that they'd be able to reproduce with a human or not. :3

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I don't know. I think that it's not outside the realm of possibility that kandra and humans could mate. But I think the offspring would end up being entirely human. But I think the kandra (if in a female body) would have to be very very careful throughout the process to not hurt the baby.

I think if Kandra can bleed, and kandra can spit, then when in human form, they are genetically human, or can do well enough if they practice.

Then again, what about SDNA? Is there something required there to produce an additional cognitive presence? Because in that case, a Kandra and a human would be able to make a body, but there wouldn't be a mind in it. And we know that a kandra doesn't take up the SDNA of the person it's replicating, because a kandra eating an allomantic body doesn't become an allomancer. But then again, the SDNA is somewhat compatible- Brandon has said that you could give kandra a spike to give it allomancy but it would be complicated.

So in conclusion? My guess would be that the kandra (in a human body) and the human would make a human baby, but that it would be stillborn (sort of like the Returned, but for different reasons).

Now if it was alive for some reason, I believe that it would be a purely human offspring, as if human1 and the kandra in the human body2 had had the baby while human2 was still alive. The abilities of a kandra are too much dependent on being physically a kandra.

Now as for Inquisitors, here's what Brandon has to say about it:


You've said that Inquisitors could have children. Would those children have a better chance at being Allomancers compared to if they had the kids before they were Inquisitors?


Yes, but there also could be...complications.


So some of the SDNA from spikes carries on, but it's complicated.

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I'm new here. So this is something I have been thinking about, all the Arts are hereditary, as far as I can see. In the Alloy of law one character is said to have Koloss blood. Taking this into account a kandra could mate with a human and the human would have shapeshifting abilities. Anyone with a spike providing femurchemical or allomatic abilities would pass those abilities on to their desendents. They could start breeding allomancers, ofcourse since hemurugy causes energy loss the next generation would have greatly weakened abilities. So what are anyone elses thoughts?

It should be noted that the Koloss were specifically altered by Sazed to be able to breed true. They couldn't do so originally. Kandra can't reproduce and produce other Kandra. See the following quote from the Brandonology.

"It isn't mentioned where all the Steel Inquisitors, Kandra, and Koloss went in the end. Do you feel that they were removed from the world and Sazed took all the lost souls to his better place?

Marsh survived. (He'll show up in the Mistborn sequel series.) The Kandra were restored, and have taken a vow to live only in animal bodies. There will never be any more of them, but they are functionally immortal. So you'll see them again. The Koloss who were in the cavern at the time survived, and were changed to become a race that breeds true, rather than Hemalurgic monsters. More below."

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how do the koloss skins effect there change? as i inderstand a koloss is made of spikes that took the strength from four humans and inplanted it into one person. does the skin help effect there change in growth and muscel mass as the mature?

EDIT- sorry for poor spelling and mechanics. i have been posting from my cell phone.

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