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Oathpact Theory


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I think the Oathpact was a deal between Honor and Odium where they both restricted their activities to fighting on Roshar through various subordinates, specifically the Heralds and the Unmade. While Honor had ten people holding Honorblades, Odium could not attack him directly or try to shred the planet. As part of the deal, the Heralds spent time between Desolations getting tortured, and Honor got to do something with the Unmade. Once the Heralds quit, the Oathpact could no longer constrain Odium entirely, and he killed Honor. Since Taln still has his Honorblade, Odium can't just obliterate the planet.

So, why would Odium agree to this? Well, it's possible he didn't. Honor is the Shard of binding oaths and promises, so he might have somehow been able to force Odium into accepting it.

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I partially like it, but the problem is, Odium wouldn't be constrained by this. It does not make sense. Honor would not be able to force him to do this, and then be unable to stop himself being killed.

My personal pet theory is that the Shardblades are from Odium, and then will mysteriously 'fail' at the True Desolation, whereas the Honorblades were Honor's solution. However in order to get the power to create them, he made a pact with Odium/Roshar's third Shard (if you follow that theory) where those who volunteered to receive them were taken away when there wasn't a Desolation (to be tortured).

And so the Honorblades must be found and 'returned to those who once bore them' (see the backcover of tWoK) in order to stop Odium. Taln's is the first to be found (right at the end of the book, he arrives to herald the beginning of the True Desolation). The others must follow, and the Heralds found (where did they go? Can they live forever? They must have, because for them to die, they must go back to the 'place of hooks and fire').

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I always kind of figured it was a pact between Odium, Honor, AND Cultivation. Odium could send Desolations, Honor would fight them, and Cultivation would stay out of it. The fact that any of the two Shards could probably defeat the third leads me to believe that they needed to balance things out somehow.

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  • 4 months later...

I got the below quote from a thread on Odium not being native to Roshar and the below comment from Morsk got me to thinking.

Also, the price paid by the Oathpact is pretty terrible. It may involve the power of Sacrifice, not just Honor, or maybe not Honor at all. Honor's principle seems to be that you not do horrible things in name of good, and asking the Heralds to submit to torture is pretty nasty.

Whoever said the Oathpact was between Honor and Odium? Perhaps the Oathpact was rather between Honor and Sacrifice (yes, I know that the existence of such a shard is only theoretical) to defend against Odium? Then, when the Heralds betrayed the Oathpact and it was shattered, Odium took over on Roshar.

Tenuous? Yes. But I thought it was food for thought. Feel free to let me know if I'm way off base, however.

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Oh, I ended up deleting that post because I realized it had a cosmere factoid from an interview, and belongs in General Theories! I should go find a thread it can go in, or make one.

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