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Aona's Shard


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As I was going back through Elantris a line popped up to me that feels like it would lend credence towards Aona's intent, but I can't remember if it has been talked about or not so I just thought I'd drop it off for you guys here.

In the first chapter of section three, chapter 55 page 550 paperback, Raoden and Sarene are talking about New Elantris and the Aons when Sarene says "I always knew you would find the answer. Domi doesn't let your kind of dedication go wasted."

Has dedication/dedicated been asked about before?

Devoted to a task or purpose; having single-minded loyalty or integrity: "dedicated doctors".

It sounds a lot like what the people of New Elantris are. They become so dedicated to the tasks set before them that their minds forget about the pain and hunger. Not sure if they are referred to as that earlier in the book or not, didn't pay much attention to their descriptions earlier.

Guess that's all I have to say on it, cheers

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I think Brandon said in an interview that Aona's Intent is somewhere along the lines of Compassion? I believe he mentioned that he hasn't decided on the exact name for the Shard as those kinds of things are important to be precise. Also, some people see Seons as possible Splinters of Aona, and the Seons are all about love and caring for their master, although I guess that could also be seen as dedication.

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Brandon said it is close to or is Devotion.

Yea, this was just a way to throw another idea out there for the synonym of Devotion that Aona might be. I hadn't seen this one suggested, so thought I'd make a post for it and see if anyone else had noticed other uses of dedication in the text, maybe referring to the people of New Elantris or other Elantrians

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