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Question on Iron Feruchemy (AoL spoilers)


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You could blow in the opposite direction you wanted to travel. As long as there's no wind, you could pull it off. I can see it now... PUFF-MAN. You know it's him because you hear him coming, on account of the heaving breaths he has to take.

Edited by IvoryRoad
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I think that Wax actually says at some point (can't find exact quote) that gaining weight doesn't make him more dense. I'm guessing that means that you don't actually lose density when storing weight.

Recall that Wax is thinking about density as far as his body not being perforated by bullets went, as I commented in this post.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Recall that Wax is thinking about density as far as his body not being perforated by bullets went, as I commented in this post.

Yeah. That particular branch of discussion has been just about talked empty.

I think that nausea could be something easily trained out of yourself. If you do something enough, soon your body adapts to it.

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