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Point of Clarification


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I have noticed that a lot of people think Shallan has some connection to the Sixth Essence because her first Soulcasting produced blood.

But I thought it was a rule of Soulcasting that you had to produce the Essence corresponding to the gem whose Light you used.

So, Shallan has no special connection to Blood, it just happened that she had a garnet at hand when she first Soulcasts.

Am I missing something here?

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I have noticed that a lot of people think Shallan has some connection to the Sixth Essence because her first Soulcasting produced blood.

But I thought it was a rule of Soulcasting that you had to produce the Essence corresponding to the gem whose Light you used.

So, Shallan has no special connection to Blood, it just happened that she had a garnet at hand when she first Soulcasts.

Am I missing something here?

Get away with thee, logic-speaker!

That is a perfectly valid point. I think the reason people (including myself) were so willing to accept the assumption that Shallan was of the Sixth Order was because "Creative/Honest" meshes very well with what we've seen of her so far. I still think she's probably of the Sixth Order, if only because it may be the case that that's the reason why her first Soulcasting didn't occur until she was using a garnet.

Edited by Kurkistan
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There is other evidence, the divine attributes of that order (creative/honest) match her personality, she achieved her first soulcasting with a garnet to make blood, the gem and essence of that order, which you have rightly pointed out is circumstancial, but still provides some evidence.

EDIT: Ninjas and their ninjaing me... but now its been said twice. :P

Edited by dj26792
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I admit your other evidence.

I just wanted to point out that Shallan, under those circumstances, would have had to have created blood no matter what Essence she is ordinarily linked with.

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If it wasn't for the fact that Way of Kings is a story written by an author, I would tend to agree with you. However, I find it hard to believe that such a defining moment for a character would have such strong associations with a different order, in addition to the other evidence we have found. I don't think that she was made to Soulcast the goblet into blood solely because it would lead to her fake suicide attempt, I think it hints to her association with the orders of the Knights Radiant as well.

For another example of a gemstone being used to hint at an order of the Knights Radiant (if I am remembering right), Kaladin was given a sapphire sphere when he was strung up in the storm. Any of the 10 types of gem would have worked, but only sapphire hints at his association with the Windrunners.

Edited by ulyssessword
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I also agree the blood should not be counted as evidence :P we don't even know if soulcasting as a kr wannabe requires the specific gem or if that's just the fabrials (yes jasnah uses them but she is also trying to keep her cover)

The creative/honest is a strong strong link tho, she is often attracting creation spren with her drawing and she gets into trouble alot for saying what she thinks :P however it's the truthspren that really do it for me :P kaladin leads and protects and he gains use of abilities, shallan has to say a truth about herself, with a stronger (not really a hard measuring for how true something is that I know of other then yes/no but u know why I mean!) truth granting more access.

When u look at that it's almost hard to see how she wouldn't be creative/honest

ESP if her memories are another power, but I believe she has been able to use them since she was young? Far before she started seeing spren in them but just pointing out it ties heavily with her creative side!

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I have noticed that a lot of people think Shallan has some connection to the Sixth Essence because her first Soulcasting produced blood.

But I thought it was a rule of Soulcasting that you had to produce the Essence corresponding to the gem whose Light you used.

So, Shallan has no special connection to Blood, it just happened that she had a garnet at hand when she first Soulcasts.

Am I missing something here?

She was also carrying three large gems at the time: a Smokestone, a Ruby and a Diamond all of which she had previously tried to use and she had gained no new insights since.

The implication is that it might be easier to Soulcast for the first time using the gem associated with your order.

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She was also carrying three large gems at the time: a Smokestone, a Ruby and a Diamond all of which she had previously tried to use and she had gained no new insights since.

The implication is that it might be easier to Soulcast for the first time using the gem associated with your order.

That is perfectly true. (applause)

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