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Who can use Stormlight?


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We know of a few people that can use Stormlight to fuel magical powers, and suspect many others. Here's what I've found so far:


Direct evidence of Stormlight use: He inhales Stormlight many times.

Magical abilities: Has a vision in a Highstorm. Sees a face (the stormfather?) in a Highstorm (though there may be nothing special about him seeing it). to heal, gain energy, gain physical enhancement, and reverse and full lash objects. "rides the storm".


Evidence: He inhales Stormlight many times as well.

Magic: In addition to basic lashings, the same as Kaladin (except for Highstorm visions)


Evidence: Her gemstones dim when she Soulcasts.

Magic: Her hand sinks into objects immediately before transforming them. She can transform objects by touching them. She can transform objects at a distance (note: this did not target their clothes as well, unlike transformation by touch.) She can visit and have control over Shadesmar. She may not be not harmed by essences that she transforms (not burned by thief turned to fire, not coughing on smoke from the stone)


Evidence: Her garnet broam becomes dim after she soulcasts the goblet into blood. There is no direct evidence that going to Shadesmar used Stormlight, only that it was foolish to go with only a dim sphere.

Magic: Can transform objects by touch. She can visit Shadesmar. Her drawing and memorization ability may be magical, as it allows her to see the symbolheads. Can hear and telepathically speak to the symbolheads.


Evidence: An unlikely number of his gemstones were shattered in his Shardplate on the Chasmfiend hunt.

Magic: Can see the symbolheads.


Evidence: None (although absence of evidence is not evidence of absence)

Magic: Shardplate glows. Has visions during Highstorms. May be faster and more agile than others in Shardplate. Is stronger than others in Shardplate. May have supernatural balance in Shardplate as well, though that may be all sets of Plate.

Various Bridgemen

Evidence: Quote (though it may be Kaladin draining their spheres.):

Kaladin sighed. "I think there's something wrong with this batch. They won't hold their Stormlight. They fall dun after just a few days, every time. Perhaps it's something to do with the Shattered Plains. It has happened to other Bridgemen too."
Magic: none.


Evidence: None (though he is a Herald)

Magic: Resurrection, knowledge of when a Desolation comes (though this may be a function of his resurrection)

Other Heralds

Evidence: None (though they are Heralds)

Magic: Alive after 4500 years.

EDITS: added Dalinar's visions, Kaladin's visions and Kaladin seeing he face in the storm. Added the other Heralds. Added Dalinar's strength (catching chasmfiend claw). Added Kaladin riding the Storm, removed the vision reference in Kaladin.

Edited by ulyssessword
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We have seen half of them, we saw more of Kelek and jezrien then we did of taln :P and there was no stipulation in the op saying main characters, there is even a group called various bridgemen with even less evidence then we have that heralds are alive and can use stormlight. I'm not saying that it shouldn't be there, it should, but if your looking to name those that might be able to use stormlight and include taln I hardly see why the other heralds should be discounted.

The fact that they're still alive shows they must retain some knowledge or powers, even after abandoning the oathpact.

Personally I don't rly care either way as I dont know much about them, I just don't see why they don't fit the criteria when they have all the evidence that some of the others possess :P

Edit: also at what point do 9 immortals with great power some dangling on the edge of madness, possibly completely consumed by it, sound like people that won't have much of a part in the coming destruction of the world ? I reckon we may see some of them again...

Edited by Wispsy
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Magic abilities:

Travel: the Heralds fight all over the continent and rendez-vous in the immediate aftermath of the Desolations, the Knights Radiant are said by Kaladin to go from place to place instantly, there is a chapter heading quote that talks about going from city to city to city in less than a day and complains about the tariffs the KR charge. The Stoneward woman just shows up in the Midnight Essence fight, where we see the man fly in with an earthshaking impact.

Dalinar: Strength in the fight with the chasmfiend, though some argue that it could be the Shardplate combining with his developing Knight radiantness.

Detection: Syl detects the other people at the Shattered plains, the fabrial that the Thaylen traders use in Shinovar detects others also, the KR detect Midnight Essences in Natanatan (and presumably everywhere) from cities within Alethela.

Regrowth: Midnight essence vision

All these things could be or are definitely powered by stormlight, as I see it.

The Radiants could be using stormlight to glow, fly, travel, Regrow and detect (we know they have other abilities, including soulcasting (if we believe Jasnah). Would it make sense to add them as actors in your list?

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Magic abilities:

Travel: the Heralds fight all over the continent and rendez-vous in the immediate aftermath of the Desolations, the Knights Radiant are said by Kaladin to go from place to place instantly, there is a chapter heading quote that talks about going from city to city to city in less than a day and complains about the tariffs the KR charge. The Stoneward woman just shows up in the Midnight Essence fight, where we see the man fly in with an earthshaking impact.

Dalinar: Strength in the fight with the chasmfiend, though some argue that it could be the Shardplate combining with his developing Knight radiantness.

Detection: Syl detects the other people at the Shattered plains, the fabrial that the Thaylen traders use in Shinovar detects others also, the KR detect Midnight Essences in Natanatan (and presumably everywhere) from cities within Alethela.

Regrowth: Midnight essence vision

All these things could be or are definitely powered by stormlight, as I see it.

The Radiants could be using stormlight to glow, fly, travel, Regrow and detect (we know they have other abilities, including soulcasting (if we believe Jasnah). Would it make sense to add them as actors in your list?

I've been trying to limit it to things that we've seen people (not fabrials or Spren) do in the present day, so most of these are outside of what I'm looking at. Good catch on Dalinar's strength though.

Edited by ulyssessword
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I was thinking, is Kaladin's vision of riding the storm really just a vision?

The Way of Kings, Hardcover, page 648

He rustled the skirts of tall, golden-haired serving women who carried trays of food or steaming towels...

A man stood over two corpses. His pale head shaved, his clothing white, the murderer held a long, thin sword in one hand. He looked up from his victims and almost seemed to [i}see[/i] Kaladin. He had large Shin eyes....

Men ride the storms no longer. The voice was thunder, crashing in the air... Odium comes. Most dangerous of all the sixteen. You will now go."

Him rustling the skirts a bit of a weak argument but he seems to effect the surroundings a little. However, Szeth seems to be able to see Kaladin "riding the storm". It's a bit shaky, as the language leaves it a bit ambiguous, but IF Szeth really did see or notice something there if not concretely, Kaladin's vision could be less of a vision and more of a throwing his conscience out of his body or some thing like that. Something like him separating his spiritual form from his body, letting it ride the wind (windrunners) and see things far away.

I guess it could still be called a "vision" but it seems different from Dalinar's visions. Kaladin isn't given the visions from somebody, but it seems more like an extension of his powers. Also, the voice in the vision tells him that it is dangerous and men should no longer ride the storms, and banishes him out of it. Again, things can still go either way, but somehow I feel like it's not just a vision but a form of scrying with a spiritual body. Haha, don't really know if i'm making sense.

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I was thinking, is Kaladin's vision of riding the storm really just a vision?

Him rustling the skirts a bit of a weak argument but he seems to effect the surroundings a little. However, Szeth seems to be able to see Kaladin "riding the storm". It's a bit shaky, as the language leaves it a bit ambiguous, but IF Szeth really did see or notice something there if not concretely, Kaladin's vision could be less of a vision and more of a throwing his conscience out of his body or some thing like that. Something like him separating his spiritual form from his body, letting it ride the wind (windrunners) and see things far away.

I guess it could still be called a "vision" but it seems different from Dalinar's visions. Kaladin isn't given the visions from somebody, but it seems more like an extension of his powers. Also, the voice in the vision tells him that it is dangerous and men should no longer ride the storms, and banishes him out of it. Again, things can still go either way, but somehow I feel like it's not just a vision but a form of scrying with a spiritual body. Haha, don't really know if i'm making sense.

I missed that one. I agree that rustling shirts is not very strong evidence as he identifies himself as the storm, but Szeth seeming to see him, as well as him having (presumably) accurate, real time visions of the world is definitely magic of one kind or another.

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I never put Stormriding into the same category as Dalinar's visions. They just seemed so different. They may be related, though, now that I think about it. In both, the person's body stays in the same place, but their mind moves somehow.

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