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Evolution and Scadrian Life


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Just thought I'd share some random thoughts I had about life in the Cosmere and on Scadrial.


I was thinking about why exactly horses are found throughout the Cosmere, and ended up wondering if Brandon had ever shared the specific details of how life arose on Scadrial. Obviously the development of life was intentional and guided or else horses, hominids, etc. would probably never have existed (and we might have ended up with wierder life like on Roshar). But was life created all at once or over illions of years? I suppose the former is probable since I sort of assume it hasn't been that long since Adonalsium shattered, plus Rashek's mistwraiths have already demonstrated that Preservation's power is capable of creating whole new forms of life.


But I find it a bit odd that Preservation's intent would allow Ati to create life that way. You would think he would have more respect for natural laws and allowing things to happen gradually, since preservation is the opposite of rapid change. Could that imply a relatively short timetable between the Shattering of Adonalsium and the creation of life on Scadrial, meaning Ati had not yet become completely shaped to the intent of Preservation?

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I'm not sure about the timeline, and therefore the influence Preservation's nature posed on Leras, but I assumed that he and Ati modeled Scadrial or at least humans after the ones on Yolen (which was their homeworld IIRC).


So even if there was life before on Scadrial, maybe humans weren't able to survive without more intervention from those two. Therefore, they might have "invented" other species anew, too.  (And what's the fun in trying to destroy something, when aforementioned thing dies immediatly on his own?)


Apart from that, I cannot image them collaborating over a long time. Is it known if Preservation betrayed Ruin shortly after creating sentient life/humans?

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