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Voidbringers? (partial spoiler for Words of Radiance)

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Could the monks from Dakhor be another form of the so-called "voidbringers" present in another part of the cosmere?  

They have the same ridged bone structure as the voidbringers in Words of Radiance and seem to sorta transform.

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It seems unlikely to me.  The monks seem to be using a form of the Dor that shapes their skeleton into a shape, similar to the shapes of the 

Aons.  Also, while not truly confirmed (that I know of) the Dakhor is probably through Dominion, whereas the Voidbringers are from Odium.


Now, that being said, we know Odium DID go to Sel and maybe there's some common thread there.  But I still don't quite see it as being the same.

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Now, that being said, we know Odium DID go to Sel and maybe there's some common thread there.  But I still don't quite see it as being the same.


For some reasons I really like this idea. We know that Odium tried to avoid investing himself on the planets he visited, but while he destroyed Dominion some of his power "leaked" and attached itself to the Skaze resulting in some similarities between Voidbringers and Dakhor Monks. Yeah, this idea is prettu farfetched and ultimately non very significative, but i really like it.

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For some reasons I really like this idea. We know that Odium tried to avoid investing himself on the planets he visited, but while he destroyed Dominion some of his power "leaked" and attached itself to the Skaze resulting in some similarities between Voidbringers and Dakhor Monks. Yeah, this idea is prettu farfetched and ultimately non very significative, but i really like it.


Unfortunately this WoB seems to point against that:



It says that it's dangerous to travel to Shadesmar on Sel. Why?

Brandon Sanderson

It has to do with the Dor and the lack of an entity controlling much of the power Odium left in his wake on Sel.


Woah, that's interesting. I had no idea Odium left little bits of his power on Sel... I guess it kinda makes sense for evil monks to be powered by pure hate, though.

Brandon Sanderson

Odium did not leave his power behind, one should note. He left several other powers which are now, to a large extent, mindless...



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