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I think you character will be just fine. If you want to pretend that the executions were done at sunset, then your character could have just arrived behind Korb and Vhalin. It would be a slight modification of Contrary and Breath's posts, but I don't see any dependency issues.

Or you could play off your closing statement in your first post, and have her being seriously introspective. That only needs a little interest in the strange people's conversation to tie Karya into the current situation.

Or we can ignore the paladin and you can introduce another character. That would be cool too. If you want to try that, you could try to round out the party. We have a ranger, an armored monk, a brawler mage, a sorceress, an alchemist/rogue, and a crazy noble. I suppose a healer type role would be the main hole in our array. But don't let me stop you from creating the character you want to play. You're here to have fun, after all.

To Swim: Sounds like an interesting fellow. If he's serious about trying to keep you safe, he's going to be long past exasperated with your regular runs around the city. Perhaps he has been trying to train a couple fellows to run with you, the they aren't skilled enough or motivated enough to be of use?

Any feedback on my rules?

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I think that, as long as they are only sensibly abused and mostly adhered to, they should be fine. As long as we remember that the point of this is not to show off how badass our characters are, we can do this properly. In the end, so long as everyone's making a proper effort, we'll have a good story. I'd suggest an addendum to the effect that, while all players own their own characters, we can make assumptions and use them in our own scenes, fight or otherwise - if there's a problem, well, that's what the blue text is for.

And, yeah, this guy isn't too happy with his employer.

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I'm back, sorry about that. Jerric, I like your rules. That's what I was thinking but I couldn't spit it out.


Zakk, looked at the gigantic stone that Tool placed on the bar, "Tool, lad, don't be spendin' your gems like that. It's no a good idea, plus I might need to borrow some Sapphires later if we get in a tight spot." He looked at the little noble sitting next to him and chuckled, "Maybe be that we should talk about this somewhere where we don't draw quite so much attention," He said, noticing some of the stares they were attracting. 


Zakk turned and looked at everyone else that was there with him, "What do ye say everyone? Should we scoot on out of here so as I can speak to our new friend more openly?" Before anyone could answer he heard a famliliar voice at the door calling his name. He spun about and noticed a young, lanky man carrying a long spear, "Matrim Bloody Cauthon!" Zakk exclaimed, "What in the name of the forgotten gods are you doing here?" He walked over the Mat and embraced him as an old friend. 

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Korb clapped his hands sharply, cupping them slightly - the resulting snap of air flicked through the room like a sharp look.

"Zakk, when and if you can assemble your team here, tell me and we can meet at my mansion to talk about supplies, extra help, politics, and the like. Until then, I intend to take advantage of our," he looked up at the huge, armoured figure, "mutual friend's generosity, and will be getting thoroughly drunk on the finest liquor in this place. If any of your magic can cure a hangover, I suggest using it on me in the morning. I'm difficult to negotiate with when my head hurts."

Korb turned back to the bar; the barman was shouting at the pair of broad-shouldered thugs hauling great oak casks from the basement and setting them on empty shelves behind the bar. A stack of glinting liquor bottles rattled softly on the floor to the beat of footsteps - apparently the good stuff took precedent.

Korb stood up and sidled behind the bar, tossing his cane over and over in his hands speculatively. He pulled a small jeweler's glass from a pocket in his freshly tailored suit, wondering idly whether that particular fellow was psychic or just clever, and examined the brands and marks on the casks.

"Mmmm...," he said, brushing a patch of dust from one. "This..I will drink this."

Korb jabbed the hilt of his ornate sword-cane at the cart of clean glasses beneath the bar, catching one on the handle and knocking it onto the floor. There was a loud crack, followed by a tinkle as glass spread over the ground. He swore and swept it aside with a foot, then plucked another glass with his fingers, dropped it as well, and finally managed to pick one up with exaggerated care on the third try - his nerves were still acting up, it seemed. He filled the cup with a wizened, oaky liquor as the barman happily breezed past, whistling a song as he cleaned the glass up.

Korb recognised it. It was a ballad called, "For You, All the Gems in the Clear Night Sky". How much had the gem that...thing...had paid for tonight's entertainment with been worth?

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Korb threw back the tumbler, letting the sharp, smooth taste roll around his mouth for a moment before swallowing.


"Your loss," he shrugged. "I'll be taking it slow, anyway. Shame to waste good liquor getting drunk fast, eh, friend?"

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Pardon me, Mat. But I will ignore you for now. At least in this post, I will pretend to not have heard you. I need to explain my absence first.


As soon as the brawl with the sslyssin started, XiaoLi stood up and retreated to the shadows. There was no use getting into a fight she was not being paid to get into. Zakk had always liked getting into these little skirmishes with random creatures. She knew he thoroughly enjoyed the exercise, but as for her, she was content to work in the background. 


She warily looked at the 9" armored creature and a shiver ran down her spine. He was too familiar, a creature that ate those similar to her kind who practiced the darker arts. He did look amiable enough and had human-like qualities in his generosity to the tavernfolk. That jewel...she almost took a step forward to make sure it wasn't what she was looking for. The size of the jewel alone looked like her lost cintamani, and she needed to get that back, or else.


The nobleman though, had a contrived ordinariness about him. She would not underestimate one such as he.


It took some control to not leave the tavern and wait doom out, but she was bound to Zakk and she needed to help a human in order to remain as she was. She needed this quest and even if the ragtag group didn't look like much, her gut said differently. Her gut said there was no other choice.


She came out of the shadowy corner, silent in her footsteps as she approached the sitting group. One beckoning finger had a tavern man stand up and pull a chair for her to sit on. A tavern maid came out of nowhere and handed her a glass half-filled with a pale amber whiskey. She inhaled the peaty aroma before sipping lightly. No need to enter into a lengthy discussion until they can purchase some privacy for their plans. 


A soft ballad was playing, and she smiled softly. All the gems, indeed.


XiaoLi is not human. She is a Kumiho, a nine-tailed fox who shapeshifts into a beautiful woman given a specific set of things she needs to do, like not eat liver, or not kill, among others. She enjoys being human-looking and doesn't want to turn back into her monster self. She keeps her wish-jewel close, her cintamani, but unfortunately, in a recent contract, she lost it, and she has 1000 days to get it back or else she turns back into her foxself. Zakk doesn't know about her true nature and only thinks her to be a competent sorceress and fighter.


She is almost always being hunted, because her blood is mythical. Men have tried to get her to fall in love with them, in the hope of granted powers of persuasion, but she had learned her lesson well after a betrayal almost killed her.


She is 5'4", medium build, Asian, and her hair has nine beaded braids near her nape which represents her nine tails.


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"We don't have to leave quite yet," Zakk laughed as he waved to the Tender while sitting back and enjoying his pipe, "Porter for me," he said to the man in a genial tone, taking yet another puff of his pipe. The pipe itself was a curious artifact, it was carved of ebony and had an Ivory raven carved into the front. The mouthpiece of the pipe was Obsidian twisted together with more ivory and the bowl was surrounded by Sapphires that seemed to glow a deep blue.

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Who are you talking to Mat? We need some context from you bro, it seems like Mat is just standing there frozen unable to move anything but his lips because you haven't moved him. I'm excited to everyone's favorite Ta'veren in the story but he needs more... substance, you feel me?

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Usually when i see you with a large group its never good. So tell me whats going on.

Mat, you may have to revise this. We're writing in third person. Right now, please revise it to include who you're talking to.

EDIT: Got ninja'd by BT. :/

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Korb sat back, satisfied - it wouldn't do to get too drunk, now. He could still feel the vinery board he'd drunk with the Count, earlier, and it was better to look drunk and feel tipsy.

"Get me," he called to the barkeeper, "a souten." He made sure to slur the words slightly. "Oh, and keep the change."

The barkeep looked at him, confused. "Sir?"

"You know what I mean," Korb snapped. Ten thousand gods, but he would miss that smooth liquor. Exquisite.

The portly man hurried away, shrugging and picking up the ballad again. He was a little rosy-cheeked himself at this point, and had progressed from humming to full-bellied singing, pitched low and deep.

"And I'll cliiiimb the sunset, for you,

All the gems in the clear night sky, for youuuu!"

A slim, honey-skinned woman lurked in the corner of Korb's vision, and he let his attention wander over her, never quite catching hold. Through the corner of his eye, he only caught vague impressions: a twitch of the leg, and slip of shadow. All together the impressions added up to something quick and graceful, alert and not quite human. Korb snorted quietly.

Sometimes, it seemed like nobody was.

I'd suggest that everyone wrote how they feel like writing - however, a little blocking and description would be helpful

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I am about to sleep now, and I can't help but laugh when I read the song, Swim. I can almost hear it to the tune of "Everything I do, I do it for you." :D

He's not drunk. Not by a long shot. Why do humans have to pretend all the time?, she thought irritatingly.

She stood up and went to the barkeep to get the drink the nobleman ordered. She shushed the tavern maid and took her tray, sauntering gracefully to the well-dressed Korb, with the drink that he ordered.

She bent down to serve him his liquor and said huskily, "Your drink, milord."

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Zakk caught a scent in his nose over his pipe smoke and the smell of his beer, a familiar scent. He spun around in his seat an noticed XiaoLi standing there. "I see you've decided to come out of your shadows," He chuckled, his eyes seemed a little glossy after his... tenth pint? He had lost count honestly, but being a mixture of Dwarf and Celt he could drink most races under the table. So he waved over a glass of Rum and another Porter for his next round. If we are all going to die soon, I might as well enjoy my self He thought to himself as he sipped his Rum and smoked his pipe.

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XiaoLi winked at Z from where she was standing beside the nobleman.

"You know I'm not as fond of freebie brawls as you, dear friend."

Zakk was definitelt drunk, she thought.

He had that cross eyed look of someone who imbibed liquor too much, too soon.

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In case nobody got the reference, souten is a Name of the Wind reference. It's what you order when you want water and the cost of a drink, rather than the drink itself. Korb told the barkeep to keep the change, thus explaining that he didn't want the money. The barkeep is utterly confused.

Korb raised a single eyebrow, then examined his drink.

Souten - water in the common parlance.

The inhuman woman was putting on a very good show, dropping her voice and getting closer than strictly necessary - tempting, but, whatever she was, definitely not Korb's type. Honestly, probably not even his species.

Besides, she might have poisoned the drink.

Korb had a sudden idea.

He leaned close to her ear, pitched his voice to a melodramatic baritone, and spoke.

"Hello, miss. Would you care for a drink?"

He waited a beat - she thought about it, then opened her mouth to respond. As she did, Korb grabbed his mug of chilled water and splashed her full in the face.

A shocked second passed. The fire flickered, and, in the second of shadow, her eye seemed to blaze green, her teeth oddly sharp.

Korb leaned close to her ear again and whispered in the same tone as before.

"Is the taste to your liking?"

Feel free to give Korb the beating of his life, if it's in character He has a cane - he can lean on it as he limps home.

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Try not to get too carried away. Vhalin won't stop Xiaoli if she keeps things to weaponless, magic-free combat, since Korb clearly provoked her, but he will feel it necessary to step in if she gets too carried away.

Am I correct in assuming that Xiaoli's true nature is not going to slip out from partial transformations and "inhuman" movements? I did not get the impression that her guise had such weaknesses.

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As Korb splashed X, Zakk grabbed him the collar of his 'finely tailored coat' and hauled him up. Zakk lifted the little man off of his feet and put Korb nose to nose with a mountain of cold, instantly sober, anger. "Now why'd ye go an' do that lad? That wasn't very polite and I can't abide rudeness to ladies, especially when said lady is already a friend of mine. So methinks you should apologize fer the way ye treated her before I treat ye MUCH worse." at that Zakk dropped Korb and waited.

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There are other ways to explain it. Korb could have a latent gift for True Seeing, and her shapeshifting is powerful enough that your gift is only providing hints.

Or, instead of an inborn gift, it could be that your tailor happened to have unwittingly included an enchanted object among the pieces of your latest fashion ensemble. Or we could go sinister and have the charm be a plant, and the tailor may or may not be aware of being involved in the con. Korb might not have been the target either. =)

*Note: next post, I'll get a little RP written. I think. =)

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Korb very carefully devoted his entire willpower to keeping his pants dry. That done, he smiled up at the hulking man, clamping his terror into a steel vise and desperately bearing down on it.

"When I'm given a drink by a strange woman who doesn't work here, I get suspicious, friend. I didn't trust her."

He gestured to the thoroughly soaked woman.

"Besides, tell me it wasn't funny!" Korb said brightly.

Zakk stared at him, grabbing his shirt again and hoisting Korb back into the air.

"Tha' weren't funny," he announced, voice grim as a long drop to hard rock.

Korb decided to get it over with.

He shifted his voice down a few notes, just enough to whisper at the baritone he'd used, and made the most elegant bow he could while his toes dangled a foot off the ground.

"My dear lady, I, Korb von Shwartmeyer, offer my sincerest apologies, deepest regrets, and a true desire to make amends for my rude, loutish, and frankly thoughtless behaviour. I owe you whatsoever favour you would demand of me, now and forever, and hope that our inauspicious meeting, borne of suspicion, shall not be a harbinger of future encounters; to that end, please allow me to buy you a drink as soon as your," he looked down his nose at Zakk, who still hoisted him in the air, "acquaintance releases me."

"Fair enough?" Korb asked the mercenary.

Perhaps the sword-cane is a little older than it appears?

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Zakk smiled a wolfish grin and let out at deep bark of a laugh, "HA! Now 'at's better ain't it?" He set Korb down slowly, then bent down and whispered in the other man's ear while smiling, "Do some'in like tha' again, and I'll rip yer bleedin' toe nails out, that clear lad?" He stood and clapped Korb on the shoulder then paused... "Wait, did you say Von Shwartmeyer?" Zakk said looking down at Korb, "I've heard that name before," He said, narrowing his eyes and raising his eyebrow. "Tell me lad, what is your job here in this wonderful town?"



Hey, if someone else suspects the cane I would like to inspect it, being a weapon master and mage I could probably find something.... also I just realized the R.A. Salvatore subliminally injected his best character into my brain hole. I chose the name Zakk because I was supposed to be named Zakk and the spelling is due to Zakk Wylde (Guitarist of Black Label Society) and weapon master is the most bamf title everbut I ended up making a half dwarf version of Zaknefein Do'Urdon

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