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Theory: Dalinar visits the spiritual realm


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Ok, this is slightly sketchy, but I just finished re-listening to the Way of Kings today and was struck by something in the last chapter proper, with Dalinar, Chapter 75. Though this deals with Realmatic theory a bit, it shouldn't be spoiler-ful.

Two things struck me as odd here.

Amorphous shapes made of curling grey smoke rose from the ground. Like smoke rings, only in other shapes. Here a chair. There a rockbud, with vines extended, curling to the sides and vanishing. Beside him appeared a figure of a man in uniform...

This sounds very different to anything we have seen before. The figures are smoky, fog-like. My guess is that these apparitions are reflections of objects in the physical realm, and the man could be a wounded officer from the warcamps, dying.

I don't know who you are, or how you have found your way here.

This is what the Almighty said to Dalinar, while they were standing together. Where is it that Dalinar has found his way to? From Shallan's chapters, it certainly doesn't seem to be Shadesmar. And yet Dalinar doesn't go anywhere in the physical realm. Therefore the only place he can have made is way to is the Spiritual realm.

What do you guys think?

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This is an interesting theory. AFAIK, we haven't seen the spiritual realm yet. This could be an introduction to said realm, as well as a glimpse further into Dalinar's powers/ KR order. I will look at the Ars Arcanum to see if there is a reference to dealings with the spiritual realm.


I found an essence thai fits the spirit theory and Dalinar in some aspects. 3. Chach - Gemstone: Ruby - Essence: Spark - Body Focus: The Soul - Suolcasting Properties: Fire - Primary/Secondary Divine Attributes: Brave/Obedient.

The Body focus being the soul solidifies the theory, also, the "Divine Attributes" Bravery and Obedience. Bravery fits Dalinar - saving Elhokar from the chasmfiend and the Tower battle. Obedience is a little tougher since he is at the top of the food chain so to speak, but there is some support there. He listens to Elhokar in the search for assasins, the chasmfiend hunt was also Elhokar's idea, if I remember correctly, and he obeys/follows the ideas from "The Way of Kings" and his visions. It is somewhat of a stretch on the obedience part, but I like the idea.

Edited by Kelek
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Maybe having these visions are due to an ability of one of the Orders of Knights Radiant. We know Dalinar is not the only one to get them.

“That chanting, that singing, those rasping voices.” Kaktach 1173, 16 seconds pre-death. A middle-aged potter. Reported seeing strange dreams during highstorms during the last two years.

- Chapter 66 Epigraph

This seems to suggest that others are going to wherever it is that Dalinar goes to see the visions. I think this makes a good case for the at least one Radiant Order having a strong connection with the Spiritual Realm.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Amorphous shapes made of curling grey smoke roes from the ground. Like smoke rings, only in other shapes

There is a quote from the 11/10/11 signing Brandon did in Huntington i believe, that says:

the expanse of densities=a world you know

Now examining the first quote, it strikes me that all the objects seen are of the wrong density, "smokey" and "Amorphous" instead of solid and physical. If the expanse is actually a world we know or have seen, it could indeed be that Dalinar is visiting the expanse, placing him in the cognitive realm of Shadesmar instead of the as of yet unseen spiritual realm. This is also supported by the fact that Kelsier (MB) is thought to be lingering in the cognitive realm instead of passing on, presumably to the spiritual. If the thought journal of honor was to exist anywhere, it would make most sense to exist in the realm of thought that objects can "linger" in if they have a strong connection to the physical. What connection could be stronger than Honor's worry over the fate of an entire planet? Also, other Knights Radiant, such as Shalan and Jahsnah, have already been seen to have the ability to enter the cognitive realm. I would find it much more believable that Dalinar, in some capacity, shares this ability, though he may enter in a different nexus or expanse.

I have always believed the WoK reference to the Tranquillen halls to be a reference to the spiritual realm and that the major conflict of the Stormlight Archive will be over this realm. This last part is only my opinion however.

Edited by TheStephenRay
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