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Preservation Question


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I have a question about Preservation that I did not find answered.  Why is the expression of preservation (allomancy) seemingly opposite of his intent.  Mistborn are incredibly efficient killing machines, and that seems counterintuitive for a shard whose intent is to preserve everything.  Is there a reason for this?  

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If you want an in-depth rationalization, my Principle of Intent goes into a very detailed explanation about this exact question. It was the guiding question which the theory meant to answer. Brandon later said that the explanation of Allomancy in there was essentially correct.

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Also, remember, all humans are partly Ruin too. Just because you wield the power of Preservation doesn't mean you are more non-violent. Indeed, Allomancy is, in the long run, a preserving power (protecting others and such)


Protection is quite a common theme in Brandon books, it seems.


And fantastic name, OdiYum.

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