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Okay, so here is my query, I have read:


The emperors soul

Mistborn triolgy

the alloy of war

Way ok kings

Words of radiance


Am I missing any cosmere related books/novellas etc? and if so where can I get them?

Reason I ask is there seems alot of info around about different things that I havent come across in the books ie

Hoid getting to the well of ascension before vin,

any info on 17th shard besides the letter in way of kings,

the planet yolen I see mentioned

shards explained

adolinisim (spelt wrong I apologise) bar a little in mistborn which doesnt really count because mentioned more in passing

Thanks for any info in advance

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If you want more information, you can read the annotations for a lot of Brandon's work here. He gives away a surprising amount of info.


The Coppermind has all the information you could want on Shards and Adonalsium.


For Cosmere novels, you can get a list here. You've missed the short story Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, which is the only published Cosmere thing you've missed (I think?).


If you have a day to kill, go here and read every interview and signing report Brandon has done for tons of information. Also: here for more recent Brandon questions.


If you're really interested...  go here and ask Brandon for a copy of "Aether of the Night" and "White Sand". Both books are finished and quite good. I'd recommend doing this. We're not allowed to talk about them in public forums, but we have a PM group you can use (just say when you're done), or you can come to #cosmere-unpublished on freenode to talk to people about them. It's unfortunate that they actually provide a lot of information for theories, but we can't use them for examples.


If you are super duper amazingly interested and can handle sadness: go here and read the Liar of Partinel sample chapters. They are Hoid's origin story, though we only have a few chapters :(. Mythwalker, the novel that ended up becoming Warbreaker, can be found here. Note, the book was never finished, so it's only like 80% of a complete book and will be unsatisfying.

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thanks i taut was missing something, since lot of info out there i havent come across, most of the info comes from Q &A's so does it?

where can I get shadows for silence in the forest of hell? doesnt come on on amazon, im in ireland by the way,

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thanks i taut was missing something, since lot of info out there i havent come across, most of the info comes from Q &A's so does it?

where can I get shadows for silence in the forest of hell? doesnt come on on amazon, im in ireland by the way,


A lot of info comes from Q&As, yeah. It makes it hard on people, unfortunately.


Shadows for Silence can be found in the Dangerous Women anthology. I didn't like the other stories in the anthology all too much, and Shadows wasn't too Cosmere-important, so feel free to skip it. White Sand was nice though, I'd highly recommend asking Brandon for that bare minimum. (Plus? It's free!)

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