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Connection and the names of planets


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        So Brandon answered a question during the Secret Project 1 reveal livestream regarding the name of Tress's planet, and said this:


...A lot of these names, like if you translate in world, a lot of the characters would call their planet "the planet," right? They are not going to name their planet. So when a person--in most of the books when I translate them talking about Roshar, I'm translating them referencing the planet or their word for it in their own individual language, which is going to be different in everybody's language, just for convenience sake. And we felt that the root words of this are what people would latch on to in-world, in-universe for calling this planet.

I was thinking about this the other day and I realized that this would have some weird implications when applied to the rules surrounding Connection and how a worldhopper can use it to translate languages on the planet they are currently on. Theoretically, because the word for planet (assuming they just use the word for planet as their home planet's name) would translate into the native language on the world they are on, doesn't that mean that it's possible that say someone from Scadrial visiting Roshar could refer to their home planet, but the Connection would pick it up as Roshar as that is the word which has the same meaning in their present location?

I mean yeah it's super specific but I'm sure it would have happened at some point, so is there any WoB guidance that explains this? I know Hoid has mentioned 'coins' on Roshar, even though that word doesn't exist there, but that only didn't translate because there wasn't anything to translate to. Something like 'planet' or 'world' would have an equivalent.

I've got nothing left you guys I need some help here

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4 hours ago, Ladoneye said:

I was thinking about this the other day and I realized that this would have some weird implications when applied to the rules surrounding Connection and how a worldhopper can use it to translate languages on the planet they are currently on. Theoretically, because the word for planet (assuming they just use the word for planet as their home planet's name) would translate into the native language on the world they are on, doesn't that mean that it's possible that say someone from Scadrial visiting Roshar could refer to their home planet, but the Connection would pick it up as Roshar as that is the word which has the same meaning in their present location?

This is the spoilers allowed section, so please let us know if there are parts of the Cosmere you have not yet read. I'll put this in a spoiler tag, just in case.


If I am understanding your question correctly - you mean that somebody like Iyatil when using Connection to speak Alethi, may say "Scadrial" when meaning her planet of heritage (born in Silverlight - but descended from Southern Scadrians), but the Connection would have her say "Roshar" when she actually meant "Scadrial?"

If that is the crux of your idea, then I doubt that would happen. Intent plays too much a part of the process - so if Hoid intends to reference a Rabbit; but there is no local term for Rabbit then the process fails and he actually says Rabbit in whatever language he was thinking in - but it does not get translated. If you intend to reference one Planet it should not change to the name of a different planet just because "planet" might translate differently.

See also Kelsier's experience with the Ire in Secret History (how the Connection correctly translates things he sees as "related to the Planet of the fortress with green trees and grass" vs "related to the planet of my origin with ash and mist."


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