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My weird dream

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So i have this weird dream today ,

I'm in my exam hall and i felt something itchy on my hand and i saw a giant black head like splinter on my forearm nearer to my wrist. When I removed it showed a giant pore and much pain and i started to push the skin nearer to this pore to squeeze out the blood or any other waste which I clearly didn't knew but when I did i had a white butter like substance in my hand coming out of that pore as soon as I removed it i saw blood flooding out of that artery i went to wash all the blood away and i fell unconscious and just woke up in my bed realising all the rust above i spoke is a storming realistic stupid dream for which I still think there's something on my hand i can still feel the pain can anyone let me know I'm all right to go coz the exam day which I dreamt if going to be tomorrow.


If answered please kindly mail me the link of answer to"  kingtgreat704 @ gmail . com "

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