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How did you discover Brando Sando?

On a scale of one to ten what is your favourite colour of the alphabet?

Flip flops or thongs?

Which is the superior state or territory and what is the best thing about Victoria?

Have you converted anyone to Sanderism?

Which of Brandon’s works have you read?

Do you like musicals?

Do you have a fireplace?

Would you rather meet Llarimar or Lightsong?

Do you like Milo?

how many donuts could you eat in one sitting?

What is your favourite middle grade fantasy book/series?

Wombats or possums? (Interpret this question as you will)

Meat pies or sausage rolls?

do you want more questions?


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1 minute ago, Cinnamon said:

How did you discover Brando Sando?

On a scale of one to ten what is your favourite colour of the alphabet?

Flip flops or thongs?

Which is the superior state or territory and what is the best thing about Victoria?

Have you converted anyone to Sanderism?

Which of Brandon’s works have you read?

Do you like musicals?

Do you have a fireplace?

Would you rather meet Llarimar or Lightsong?

Do you like Milo?

how many donuts could you eat in one sitting?

What is your favourite middle grade fantasy book/series?

Wombats or possums? (Interpret this question as you will)

Meat pies or sausage rolls?

do you want more questions?

Discovered Sanderson at a month long school camp. I'd brought along some books to read since there wasn't any phones or wifi service (we were right out in the bush). I finished my last one with a week and a half to spare, so a friend of mine gave me The Final Empire to read. I devoured it, then borrowed Steelheart from the school library when we got back (was the only Brandon book they had at the time. Followed that with Firefight, then the rest of Mistborn Era 1, and the rest is history :D 

Blue. Specifically RGB 0,57,94.

Thongs, for sure. 

Well, I'll be biased and say QLD. Lived there pretty much all my life, though have been to Victoria a few times. Have a mate who moved to Melbourne who says he loves the vibes in the suburb he lives in, so I'll say that. Though, the fact that Victoria has some snow-capped mountains is pretty nifty too!

In part. I've gotten some friends into Mistborn and Warbreaker, but none have delved super deep into the Cosmerlogical depths. 

All of them except Skyward Flight and the White Sand Graphic novels - waiting for the Omnibus to get through those. 

I love musicals, but haven't seen all that many to be honest.

Not in the apartment I currently live in, but my parents have one.

Ooh, now that's a rough one! I'd have to say Lightsong, as I feel he'd have some interesting perspectives to offer, but it's close. I really like Llarimar and feel we'd get on as well.

Not as much as I once did, but I'll have it on occasion.

Depends on the brand of donut. Woolies bakery ones? I'd be able to get through 24, I reckon. Krispy Kreme? 12 at best. 

Hmm, does Skulduggery Pleasant count? It's not really fantasy though; maybe not even middle grade. If not, then the Leviathan Trilogy, though that's steampunk and about WW1, so maybe that doesn't count either. If neither of those two, then it's an even race between Ranger's Apprentice, Harry Potter and Rowen of Rin. 

Possums. Wombats are pretty great, but Possums have the cutest eyes in the world.

Sausage rolls, because meat pies tend to be set at the temperature of lava within. Still don't dislike them, but have had more pleasant sausage roll experiences. Plus Bunnings snags are technically sausage rolls so...

And who can say no to more questions! Thank you very much for the list so far :)

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What if your favourite kind of cheese?

Coles or Woolies?

Do you like sniffing candles?

What are your opinions on odd socks?

What is the worst theory you’ve ever had while reading the cosmere?

Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum? 

What is your favourite movie?

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15 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

What if your favourite kind of cheese?

Coles or Woolies?

Do you like sniffing candles?

What are your opinions on odd socks?

What is the worst theory you’ve ever had while reading the cosmere?

Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum? 

What is your favourite movie?

Old English, I would say.

Depends on what's closest, honestly. Woolies for the moment, but have shopped at both.

Who doesn't?

Too much asymmetry for me to wear, but no issues if someone else wears them. 

Hmm, I'd have to think on that! Most of the ones I've seen have been at least plausible... have you heard many bad ones?

Yep! And some chewing gum, if needed.

Hard question for sure. I think it depends on the genre and what I'm in the mood for. Thor Ragnorak and the original Iron Man are up there; so is Avatar (including the new one - really enjoyed it), Knives Out and the Sherlock Holmes movies. Really enjoy the old Speed Racer and Pirates of the Caribbean films as well - just good fun. 

However, if I had to pick only one movie, I'd have to choose About Time. It's got a lot of heart, comedy and even some magic, but there's a lot of genuine life advice and it's got some emotional gut punches mixed in as well.

What about yourself?

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9 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

How many chickens would it take to kill and elephant?

Depends. Has the elephant wronged the chickens in any way? If so, that added determination swings the odds in their favour.

If we're talking raw numbers, the average elephant weighs roughly 6000kg. The average chicken weighs about 3.5kg. 

By those numbers, it would take 1847 chickens to equal the mass of one elephant. I'll round that up to a whole number for convenience and clarity.

So, I believe it would take at least 2000 chickens to kill and elephant. 

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