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A thought on Words of Radiance


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I’d like to preface this by saying WoR is probably my favorite book in the series (shocking I know) and at present a contender for my favorite book in general. So my suggested thought in no way takes away from my enjoyment from the book. Felt like saying that. Anyway.

So does anyone else think Kaladins third ideal would have been more effective as a ark if done with Amaram instead of Elhokar? I still think it works great with Elhokar but Kaladin reeeally hated Amaram as we know. I feel like it would have been more affective in showing Kaladins growth in wanting to protect all those he can. Just a thought curious what any of y’all have to say about it.

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I think it made more sense for the arc to be centered around Elhokar for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, because Elhokar is the center of conflict both Moash and Kaladin can want to kill him. If Kaladin's arc revolved around trying to assassinate Amaram, Moash probably wouldn't have been interested and then that whole plot thread that made the climax so epic would never have happened. In WoR we can see how Kaladin agrees to relucent assassination and then goes against his friends to do what is right. That is much more powerful because Moash is trying to tempt him into helping kill Elhokar. If the target was Amaram, Kaladin would have to be the one actively going after him because neither Moash or Graves would care.

Also, Amaram is actively doing bad things and being a jerk and Elhokar is just bad at his job. Elhokar wants to change to improve whereas Amaram is dead set on his path and has committed terrible crimes. Elhokar has gone out of his way to try and become a better leader, in a bad way, but he has still shown he wants to improve. Amaram has actually done awful stuff and deserves punishment. There is a difference between forgiving someone and letting a murderer go free, at some point people are beyond protection. 

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I also think it would have been slightly unrealistic, because Kaladin's hatred is extremely strong, and for good reason. It wouldn't exactly fit for Kaladin to let go of that, because I think that it's not just anger; it's also somewhat trauma. I don't think Kaladin would have been capable of that, because Amaram dying wouldn't as horrible and unfair a death as Elhokar's was/would have been. I can't see even Rhythm of War Kaladin protecting Amaram(assuming he hadn't died), unless Amaram had some amazing redemption arc.

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