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Ask Éowyn Anything

Éowyn Storm

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Sooo since I’m new to the Shard, I thought I might pop in here and use this as a way of getting to know some fellow Sharders!

So then, ask away!




If you want of course


Jk did you think you had a choice?:D


(I can’t figure out how to get rid of this spoiler on mobile… guess it’s gonna stay here)





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1 hour ago, Werewolff Studios said:

Welcome! Relatively new myself - always cool to meet more Cosmerenaughts! :) 

Question: What got you into reading Brandon Sanderson?

When I was a teenager, my parents tried to get me to read Reckoners which didn’t work until on a road trip that was all I had to listen to for like 16 hours. And storms it sent me down a rabbit hole. After I read all of Reckoners, I started Stormlight Archives, and it’s history from there!

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6 minutes ago, Éowyn Storm said:

When I was a teenager, my parents tried to get me to read Reckoners which didn’t work until on a road trip that was all I had to listen to for like 16 hours. And storms it sent me down a rabbit hole. After I read all of Reckoners, I started Stormlight Archives, and it’s history from there!

Ah yes, can attest to the Sanderson Rabbit Hole! Reckoners was one of the series I started with as well; that and Mistborn. Back when evil superheros were a bit more novel. 

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8 hours ago, Werewolff Studios said:

Ah yes, can attest to the Sanderson Rabbit Hole! Reckoners was one of the series I started with as well; that and Mistborn. Back when evil superheros were a bit more novel. 

I think I read Mistborn after SA. I didn’t know about the Cosmere till halfway through Mistborn when one of my friends talked about “the Cosmere.” That sent me down a 2 year obsession of reading and re-reading all of Sanderson’s work. I still have yet to read White Sand and some of his shorter works, though.  I’m currently re-reading all of Era 1 and 2, so I can read Lost Metal and actually remember what’s going on lol. 

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7 hours ago, Éowyn Storm said:

I think I read Mistborn after SA. I didn’t know about the Cosmere till halfway through Mistborn when one of my friends talked about “the Cosmere.” That sent me down a 2 year obsession of reading and re-reading all of Sanderson’s work. I still have yet to read White Sand and some of his shorter works, though.  I’m currently re-reading all of Era 1 and 2, so I can read Lost Metal and actually remember what’s going on lol. 

Lol indeed! I did the same. Lost Metal's a great read as well, especially if you're a fan of Era 2.

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4 hours ago, Werewolff Studios said:

Lol indeed! I did the same. Lost Metal's a great read as well, especially if you're a fan of Era 2.

I love Era 2, the energy between Wax and Wayne is the best lol. I’m sooo excited to read Lost Metal, it’s been too long since there’s been a new book added to the Cosmere

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35 minutes ago, Éowyn Storm said:

I love Era 2, the energy between Wax and Wayne is the best lol. I’m sooo excited to read Lost Metal, it’s been too long since there’s been a new book added to the Cosmere

Yeah! The buddy cop dynamic is so good, plus Steris and Marasi are such gems. It's funny too - it's been awhile since the last cosmere book, and then next year we get three of them! 

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10 hours ago, Werewolff Studios said:

Yeah! The buddy cop dynamic is so good, plus Steris and Marasi are such gems. It's funny too - it's been awhile since the last cosmere book, and then next year we get three of them! 

I’ll be honest, in the first book I loved Marasi and didn’t care that much for Steris. Though, at the end of BoM, I preferred Steris over Marasi. It’s been so long since I read them, and it was a gradual change that I can’t remember a particular instance as to what really caused my opinion in to switch entirely. 

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On 12/10/2022 at 0:02 AM, Éowyn Storm said:

I’ll be honest, in the first book I loved Marasi and didn’t care that much for Steris. Though, at the end of BoM, I preferred Steris over Marasi. It’s been so long since I read them, and it was a gradual change that I can’t remember a particular instance as to what really caused my opinion in to switch entirely. 

I'd have to agree. For me, it really came down to the time we spend with Steris. She's such a fascinating character due to the way she sees the world, and that really gets fleshed out in the later books. As cool a character as Marasi is, I do feel she isn't quite as interesting or unique as Steris. 

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3 hours ago, Werewolff Studios said:

I'd have to agree. For me, it really came down to the time we spend with Steris. She's such a fascinating character due to the way she sees the world, and that really gets fleshed out in the later books. As cool a character as Marasi is, I do feel she isn't quite as interesting or unique as Steris. 

Love the way you described that. I completely agree.
What started you down the path of Sanderson?

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4 hours ago, Éowyn Storm said:

Love the way you described that. I completely agree.
What started you down the path of Sanderson?

Was during a month-long school camp, actually. I'd brought along some books to read since there wasn't any phones or wifi service (we were right out in the bush). I finished my last one with a week and a half to spare, so a friend of mine gave me The Final Empire to read. I devoured that book like few before.

Anyway, after we got back I ran to the school library and read through Steelheart, which was the only book of Brando's they had at the time. Followed that with Firefight, then the rest of Mistborn Era 1 and the rest is history :D 

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9 hours ago, Werewolff Studios said:

Was during a month-long school camp, actually. I'd brought along some books to read since there wasn't any phones or wifi service (we were right out in the bush). I finished my last one with a week and a half to spare, so a friend of mine gave me The Final Empire to read. I devoured that book like few before.

Anyway, after we got back I ran to the school library and read through Steelheart, which was the only book of Brando's they had at the time. Followed that with Firefight, then the rest of Mistborn Era 1 and the rest is history :D 

That’s a great story! ^_^ Our beginnings with Branderson are quite similar it seems! 
Sanderson’s character development and world building are beyond almost any other author I’ve read. I actually feel like I’m part of the crew and Bridge Four when I read his books. So many other characters in other books feel so flat - I’m extremely glad I discovered Sanderson when I did those years ago. 

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5 hours ago, Éowyn Storm said:

That’s a great story! ^_^ Our beginnings with Branderson are quite similar it seems! 
Sanderson’s character development and world building are beyond almost any other author I’ve read. I actually feel like I’m part of the crew and Bridge Four when I read his books. So many other characters in other books feel so flat - I’m extremely glad I discovered Sanderson when I did those years ago. 

Same! The amount of thought that he puts into characters, their outlooks and their beliefs is simply wonderful. It's honestly inspiring and helped me, and I'm sure plenty of others, in their own works. That's not even mentioning the writing courses he's put up on Youtube for free! A top bloke to be sure. 

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On 12/12/2022 at 4:08 PM, Werewolff Studios said:

Same! The amount of thought that he puts into characters, their outlooks and their beliefs is simply wonderful. It's honestly inspiring and helped me, and I'm sure plenty of others, in their own works. That's not even mentioning the writing courses he's put up on Youtube for free! A top bloke to be sure. 

It’s unbelievable how much talent he possesses. He is part of the reason I keep working on my own writing. I hope to meet him at a signing some day. But I mean, isn’t that every fan’s dream?:P

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On 12/17/2022 at 1:37 PM, Éowyn Storm said:

It’s unbelievable how much talent he possesses. He is part of the reason I keep working on my own writing. I hope to meet him at a signing some day. But I mean, isn’t that every fan’s dream?:P

100%. Would be amazing to meet him and the Dragonsteel team. Don't think it'll happen for awhile though - am a few continents away myself :mellow:

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7 hours ago, Éowyn Storm said:

Oh, awesome! I’m from the US actually. I’ve always wanted to visit Australia and New Zealand.

Beautiful countries for sure; would recommend (not that I'm biased, of course).

Just rather hot this time of year. 

I've wanted to visit the US for awhile too; seems like there's a lot of places to see over your way.

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On 12/19/2022 at 4:16 PM, Werewolff Studios said:

Beautiful countries for sure; would recommend (not that I'm biased, of course).

Just rather hot this time of year. 

I've wanted to visit the US for awhile too; seems like there's a lot of places to see over your way.

I want to go to Hobbiton!

I can imagine it’s a tad warm :D

We do have some beautiful national parks. Yellowstone and Yosemite should be on your list if/when you visit.

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On 12/25/2022 at 4:42 AM, Éowyn Storm said:

I want to go to Hobbiton!

I can imagine it’s a tad warm :D

We do have some beautiful national parks. Yellowstone and Yosemite should be on your list if/when you visit.

Sounds good! I will definitely add them. And agreed, Hobbiton would be fantastic! Never been myself either, but from photos alone it looks beautiful.

Hope that you had a nice Christmas as well! :D

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Hey @Éowyn Storm !

What is the most difficult subject you’ve ever taken?

Pineapple on pizza. Opinions?

Do you play any instruments?

What is the most ridiculous theory you’ve have while reading one of Brandon’s books?

How many donuts do you believe you could eat in one sitting?

On a scale of 1-16 what is your favourite smell of the rainbow?

Are my questions too ridiculous?

Who, in your opinion is the most relatable non-protagonist character in the Cosmere?

What is your favourite Novella/short story  Brandon has written that you have read?

What is your favourite book not by Brandon Sanderson?

What is your oldest memory?

Which era of Mistborn do you prefer? 

On 18/12/2022 at 8:43 PM, Werewolff Studios said:

Same to you! And I'm from Australia; thank you for asking :) What about yourself?

@Telrao There’s more of us! Yippee another Aussie!

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On 12/27/2022 at 4:10 PM, Werewolff Studios said:

Sounds good! I will definitely add them. And agreed, Hobbiton would be fantastic! Never been myself either, but from photos alone it looks beautiful.

Hope that you had a nice Christmas as well! :D

I did, thank you!! How about yourself?

On 12/31/2022 at 11:47 AM, Cinnamon said:

Hey @Éowyn Storm !

What is the most difficult subject you’ve ever taken?

Pineapple on pizza. Opinions?

Do you play any instruments?

What is the most ridiculous theory you’ve have while reading one of Brandon’s books?

How many donuts do you believe you could eat in one sitting?

On a scale of 1-16 what is your favourite smell of the rainbow?

Are my questions too ridiculous?

Who, in your opinion is the most relatable non-protagonist character in the Cosmere?

What is your favourite Novella/short story  Brandon has written that you have read?

What is your favourite book not by Brandon Sanderson?

What is your oldest memory?

Which era of Mistborn do you prefer? 


Most difficult subject, probably physics.
Pineapple is great by itself, but it does not belong on pizza.

I can play 5 instruments, actually. I’ve played the flute for over a decade. 
Most ridiculous theory was that (RoW spoilers maybe I guess?)


Taravangian was actually just crazy :mellow:

Are we talking like mini donuts or regular? If the first, I could eat…way too many. The latter, I’d tap out after 3 or 4. 
46 is my answer. Always 46. 
Nope! They’re actually quite fun :D 

Eek, non-protagonist…Hmmm. Honestly, I’m struggling with that one. I’ll come back to that one after some thought.

I love The Hope of Elantris.

Favorite book that isn’t Sanderson is a toss up between The Count of Monte Cristo or Return of the King!
I have a very vivid memory from when I was about 4 or 5 year old. My family was staying with some friends while traveling, and they had the sweetest dog that I’ve ever met to this day. What sticks out though is the dog’s name was Fly which I thought was funny as a child. 
Favorite era of Mistborn… Gonna have to go with the first era. I love Kel’s crew. Their relationships and interactions are just perfection. 

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