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Coppermind Search function is not working for few days, What Do?


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Wanted to bring this to someone's attention-- As someone who uses the wiki search autofill function way too much (often in reverse, searching real-world terms and seeing if it hits a match), this has been frustrating for me the last 4 days or so- not sure if it's a general issue or just me, though I doubt it bc it occurred on my work desktop AND my home laptop neither of which have had settings updated recently).

When I type in a letter of two, the autofill just says "containing..." and never goes anywhere. Then if I just enter in a search term it leads to an empty page that says:

"An error has occurred while searching: We could not complete your search due to a temporary problem. Please try again later"

Can you guys take a look at this? Thanks!  :lol:

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