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Little thing I made

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Hello. Earlier today I wrote a mini-song/poem for the Insanity Clinic roleplay. It's about a boy who loses a childhood friend. I didn't spend a lot of time on it and the rhythm and rhymes are a little all over the place, but I think it turned out alright.


The boy would run 'round in the forest

Playing games and having fun.

What the boy did not yet know is

That his whole life had just begun.


He went to school; he made a friend.

A friendship that could never end.

He brought that friend down to the forest.

And thus, the games began again.


Oh, how he left me with grief.

He fell away on that fatal reef.

I will surely never forget.


The boy was growing to a man,

Learning each and every day.

But through it all, that fateful friend

With the still-young boy would stay.


Their love was stronger than the waves.

Best of friends in every way.

Their games went on down in the forest,

Until one day in fateful May.


Oh, how he left me with grief.

He fell away on that fatal reef.

I will surely never forget.


That day they went to the sea,

Playing games, throwing sand.

But what those boys did not yet see

Were the rocks beneath.


Oh, how he left me with grief.

He fell away on that fatal reef.

I will surely never forget.


I am that boy; this is my song.

Years may pass, my life be long.

But I’ll remember my forest friend.

The best thing that came to an end.


Oh, how he left me with hope.

That one day I may see

A love as true as the mountain slopes,

Like the love from him to me.

So, how did you like it? Feel free to be as honest and critical as you can be. If you have any suggestions or ideas for improvement please let me know.

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5 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

It’s really beautiful. I’m very impressed by this, honestly, and I don’t have any suggestions for improving it because it’s already really good (and also I’m no poet). What’s it called?

Thank you very much. I'm undecided on a name. Maybe "Forest Friend"?

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