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Rithmatist VR game ideas


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I am starting to read The Rithmatist and I am really enjoying it so far. I think this book could make for a really fun VR/AR game. If you were to create a VR/AR game set in this world, what would you guys create? What would work or what wouldn’t?

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  • 1 month later...

I would probably (if I had any experience with vr game making) would make a first person dueling game were facing against people would give you a currency and you could use that currency to upgrade the power of your chalklings and lines of vigor and such, whereas your dueling circle you yourself would have to draw and, as in the books, the more perfect circle that you make the more powerful it is and more hits it can take, and potentially you could make a basic story mode (for now) and have to live when there are forgotten's that you occasionally have to fight and figure out where forgotten hideouts are (not sure if that is cannon, pretty sure that it is not) and defeat them for more of the currency. you could also make the currency usable not only for upgrades but for different colors of chalk, as mentions in the story (the chalk color would most likely be most useful if only cosmetic).

Edited by Ookla the Monk
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that for an easy mode you should put in some kind of mechanic that lets you trace instead of drawing it all by yourself. Because most people aren't artists.

As for Chalklings and their sheer subjectivity, you could just make it so that there are only a few types the player can draw and they have to select which ones they can draw before any duels or something like that.


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