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Board/video game recomendation group

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Here, just thought this might be fun. This is a thread for posting recommendations for board/video games that have mechanics or themes that might appeal to sanderfans. (they dont have to be cosmere themed games) and potentially brainstorming fan games.

Board game recomendation, Lotr Lcg

Video game reccomendation, Dwarf fortress(its free and what it lacks in graphics it makes up for in scale. It has extremely intracate systems and the like for your more mechanics foucused players, and some of the best story aspects for story players. It is a sandbox game and is free)


Board game idea. (some credit to manywar sanderson elimination) A card game with breaths as currency. So like how magic uses its currency you use breaths instead. You could discard a card to research something now avalible to all players. You all play as one of the 5 scholars and whoever makes nightblood first wins.

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Board game recommendation: Settlers of Catan

Video game recommendation: FFVI (one of the best games ever created (FIGHT ME). Great music, characters, storyline, interesting gameplay. A classic)

Board game idea: I like the idea of games with changing rules. A card game with worldhoppers and the ability to play a card and instantly change worlds/environments/magic systems seems awesome. Different investiture symbiotic stuff might be cool to implement



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12 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:


Board game idea: I like the idea of games with changing rules. A card game with worldhoppers and the ability to play a card and instantly change worlds/environments/magic systems seems awesome. Different investiture symbiotic stuff might be cool to implement



Okay so imagine a game where you are shards trying to make magic systems. You want to have restrictions or you give away to much of yourself but you also want it to be powerful. You get a card at the start with your intent and try to make magic that fulfills that. I find it so cool to imagine every player leaving yolen, choosing a planet, changing it, ect. You could porbably draw cards like(genetic inheritance, Spren bond, Cognative shadows) If you took up 2 shards you would get more powerful but have twice as many intents. Hoid would  be a wild card thing(like the robber in catan) who messes things up

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Okay so imagine a game where you are shards trying to make magic systems. You want to have restrictions or you give away to much of yourself but you also want it to be powerful. You get a card at the start with your intent and try to make magic that fulfills that. I find it so cool to imagine every player leaving yolen, choosing a planet, changing it, ect. You could porbably draw cards like(genetic inheritance, Spren bond, Cognative shadows) If you took up 2 shards you would get more powerful but have twice as many intents. Hoid would  be a wild card thing(like the robber in catan) who messes things up

I love it! Each player builds their own infrastructure and magic systems and then it all culminates in an end game where you try to merge with (?) or destroy the other shards to defeat the other players. Hoid the robber XD

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