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Brandon's progress in an Android home screen widget (now on the Google Play Store)


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Edit: it's up on the Google Play Store! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.itj.sandersonwidget

Hello everyone,

Here's a thing I'm making! It's a home screen widget for Android phones that pulls Brandon's writing progress from his website homepage and displays it for you. There's also the option to include a stack of the most recent articles to browse through (clicking on an article will open it in your web browser). The plan is to make it available for free when it's finished, along with the source code for anyone to tinker with.

There's still a lot of work to do; things to make pretty and features to add, but one show stopper is the themes: I've sent a message to Michael Whelan's team for permission to use some cover art for non-commercial use, but I anticipate this taking a while. I'd like to petition the community to suggest some fan artists that might be interested in having their pieces showcased for users to enjoy.

Also, if anyone would be interested in a preview version to do some light testing, please let me know.

Thanks all,





Edited by Rockbud
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I got it to a nice state and it's up on the Google Play Store! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.itj.sandersonwidget

It's quite basic: I decided to go live without any backgrounds while I figure the best way to scale/crop the images based on widget size. I'm hoping to at least let people pick the colour of the progress bars/have it grab an appropriate colour to match the current device wallpaper (it's just blue in 1.0 I'm afraid). In the meantime, enjoy! If anyone is interested in the source code you can see it here: https://github.com/ITJammish/sanderson-widget

Feel free to throw me any feedback :)




Edited by Rockbud
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