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3 hours ago, Mauve Crocodile said:

Splendid! Simply splendid!

After one (1) day, I have done some calculations and determined that you are in fact the 100ᵗʰ visitor to Tyrian Falls! Isn't that EXCITING????

So if you are ready for a Very Special Deal I have one (1) ENTIRELY 100% OFF FREE NORTON ANTIVIRUS ANTISCAMMER PROGRAM DELUXE just for you.

Just follow all of the steps in my EZ-Setupᵀᴹ Quick Tutorial and you will be Virus-Free in no time! Possibly less than no time! That's right, this guide is so easy that it will retroactively alter the past so that you have completed it before you started it! In fact, if you are reading this, it has already installed itself on your computer for you! The convenience of modernity is staggering, don't you think? Simply staggering!

There is but one thing left to do! Simply furnish us with your name, phone number, favorite kind of custard, billing address, your IP address, your root password, and the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow and we can get started right away! The future is now!

*Refund Policy
**Terms of Service
***License Agreement

Wow, that sounds amazing!

The name's Jerrien

# is (605) 475-6968 (You should call this number)

Yes on custard

1672 Rhino Way

Dunno what my IP address is 

Root password is potato

Depends. Is it African or European?

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55 minutes ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

Wow, that sounds amazing!

The name's Jerrien

# is (605) 475-6968 (You should call this number)

Yes on custard

1672 Rhino Way

Dunno what my IP address is 

Root password is potato

Depends. Is it African or European?

Wonderful, simply wonderful!


As per my EZ-Setupᵀᴹ Quick Tutorial you may locate your IP address by using the command ifconfig or ipconfig depending on your system, or by consulting https://www.whatsmyip.org/ or similar.

And to answer your final question...




23 minutes ago, Melon Dingo said:

I see a Youtube link... hmm...

it actually isn't quite what u think it is :)

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15 minutes ago, Mauve Crocodile said:

Wonderful, simply wonderful!


As per my EZ-Setupᵀᴹ Quick Tutorial you may locate your IP address by using the command ifconfig or ipconfig depending on your system, or by consulting https://www.whatsmyip.org/ or similar.

And to answer your final question...

  Reveal hidden contents



Oh thanks for the link ;)

It's 192.158. 1.38

im ready for this program

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Wow, well...that was a really good game. I, for one, had forgotten how much time it takes to participate in any kind of LG, especially an AG, but thankfully the village pulled through despite it. I'm guessing everyone knows this already, but I was the Tineye Mistborn message on the first night.


If there was one regret concerning this game I have beyond not being active, it would be not RP'ing Tersin Wersin's rhymey market antics.

If anyone has seen this video, it's the source of my favorite meme template. In honor of my low activity, here's my one meme-tribute to the aftermath thread. I had rolled Coinshot on N2 and N6, and forgot to put in my action both nights. At the time of N6, I thought Heron was an elim and told Penguin and Meerkat I would put in my action on them, but then ended up forgetting until right after rollover.



(It's "Dim Souls: A Dark Souls Parody" -- in it, the guy with the knives is all talk and gets handily defeated, hence my usage of this video in a meme template for AN11.


Edited by Sapphire Elephant
Didn't attach the image right; it originally linked right to a server which exposes my identity
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I never got a death writeup (no hard feelings Fifth, El :P) so I belatedly decided to write one myself!

Part One, of two.


Landing softly on the ground, Su released his steel. He had learned in his years to be uncharacteristically quiet while walking the mists. The Ja would forgive him for not making his praises known, since Su was only using the Ja's gift to its fullest potential. He couldn't alert Tyrian Falls to his presence by praising the Ja- Praise the Ja!- with every silent step, especially not now.

Beside him, Beagle emerged from the shadows. He had become aware of her abilities only within the past days, and tonight they would be more than the sum of their parts. A known Lurcher was the target, so double the firepower was needed. Kellehrt, their Tineye, had seen Falcon emerge from her home a few hours ago. She had breathlessly walked to the center of town square to sit, cross-legged, eyes closed. Evidently she knew they were coming for her.

Instinctively Su burned Tin, listening for any Spiked that may be waiting in the shadows. He heard nothing. This had to be a trap, surely Falcon wasn't planning on just giving herself up.

He glanced to the side, at Beagle. That was why she was here. Neither of them could take out Falcon alone, but together the Ja would triumph.

Abruptly Beagle stopped, grabbing Su's cloak with her hand and pointing with the other. Falcon exactly how Kel had promised she would be, with one main difference. Her eyes were wide open, and staring at them. Su suddenly became conscious at how casually they had walked out of the alley. Was that how Mistborn were trained to act? The Ja would be disappointed.

"In the name of the Ja, we commend you to die, Spiked." Su said, still uneasy at the apparent lack of resistance. He reached into his cloak to grab a handful of coins and saw Beagle do the same.

"Kill me, then." Falcon calmly replied. "I have nothing to hide. My death will further our chances of ridding Tyrian Falls of the Spiked."

"Stop your lies." Beagle commanded. She glanced at Su only for a moment, hardly taking her gaze off the Lurcher. "Let's do this."

Together they flung out their coins and pushed. Falcon closed her eyes. Beagle yelled out as she burned her steel, though Su did not. Something still felt wrong about this.

Falcon fell instantly, showing no signs of having burned any metal.

Su rushed over, cursing. He patted Falcon's body down, pulling out some metal vials but otherwise finding nothing. "No spikes, by the Ja!" he said. "We had the wrong trail."

Beagle said nothing, though she looked troubled. Her attention seemed fixated on something other than Falcon. Su popped open one of the vials and sniffed it. "Falcon was a Lurcher, praise the Ja." he said. "She wasn't lying about that, nor about not saving herself, praise the Ja!" It warmed Su's heart that Falcon had remained honest to the end. The Ja would treat her well, in the afterlife.

"No, she wasn't." Beagle said, distractedly. Now the Coinshot was looking off into an alleyway on the opposite side of the courtyard. Why?

Su suddenly began to burn Tin, realizing he had slipped away from it while using steel. Footsteps, approaching from the direction Beagle was looking. He took a step towards the alley, putting himself between whoever it was and Beagle. Better a full Mistborn blessed by the Ja's goodness face whatever was coming.

Scimon Tlag, melon in hand, stepped into the courtyard.

Su relaxed, taking another step towards the merchant. "Praise the Ja!" he said, happy to see another Jaist at this time. He thought about how he could explain the dead Lurcher behind him, but he knew Scimon would understand whatever Su said. It was probably best to keep his abilities on the lowdown, so he could say they had stumbled upon Falcon's body. It was an easy enough lie to make.

"The Ja..." Scimon began, glancing down. He too looked troubled. "Is not who I serve." Scimon looked back up, past Su, at Beagle. He nodded, refusing to meet Su's eyes.

"What?" Su said, confused. "But you've said-"

A spike protruded from Su's chest, just above his navel, entering from the back. Su gasped as a sharpness of pain unlike anything he had ever experienced before spread throughout his entire body, thrumming from the spike.

The spike.


Su staggered to his knees, looking up one final time at Scimon. The man had his hand outstretched, having pulled the spike out of Beagle's waiting hands into Su. The motion seemed unnecessary even to Su's dying mind, though he knew Ruin had a flair for the dramatic. Nothing at all like the Ja.

Scimon crouched down as Su fell to the ground even further, tears in his eyes. Was the merchant mocking him? "Praise Ruin." he said. "I... am sorry." He placed the melon on the ground, just in front of Su's eyes.

Then Scimon Tlag stepped over the doubly betrayed body of Su, and reentered the shadows alongside Beagle. They thought Su dead, and while he was dying, he had one final mission to accomplish.

Mustering all his remaining strength, Su spoke. He spit blood with each word, but got them out.

"Praise... the... Ja!"

Now, and only now, could he rest.

Part Two incoming. Once I write it :P You may be asking yourself, how can there be a part two, Su died? To which I say, wait and see.

Praise the Ja!

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Double posting to bring Part Two. I figured that since the whole point of not double posting is to avoid wasting unnecessary thread space, asking someone to post just so that I can would be weird :P And editing it in just isn't the same, and I don't feel like waiting... oh well :P. (Please don't merge it, mods, if that's fine.) Edit: Drat, it's a new page anyway xD

Su sat up, gasping. His eyes ripped open, though his vision must have been fuzzy- understandable, Su thought- because it looked as if Tyrian Falls was coated in a layer of mist.
His entire body still throbbed with pain, a steady beat that seemed more universal rather than coming from the spot the spike had entered. He squeezed his eyes shut against the pain, and it gradually faded. He opened his eyes once again, only to see the world in the same way, formed from mist. Su frowned.

"Am I... dead?" he said, so distracted that he forgot to praise the Ja.

"Yes." The voice came from behind, and Su leapt to his feet, surprised by his ability to do so. He came face to face with a short man, clothed in a robe. His black hair curled around his ears. Su had never seen this man before, yet from the second he first laid eyes on him Su knew exactly who he was.

Su fell to his knees, unsure of what to say, if there was anything he could say, and if he should say it. Eventually he settled on a statement he thought would show his devoutness in a straightforward fashion.

"Praise..." he started, but burst into tears before he could finish. Su bowed his head down to the misty ground and did his best to pull himself together. "The Ja!"

He couldn't believe this was happening! Of all the ways he had imagined the afterlife to be, never had Su considered immediately coming face-to-face with the Ja himself! Praise the Ja! Su felt envigored, reenergized, and more alive than he had felt when he had actually been alive moments before. Praise the Ja! Su lifted his head up off the ground to meet his Maker's gaze, feeling unworthy and in awe. The Ja's head was tilted to the side, a look of contemplation on his face.

Su mirrored the look. It wasn't quite the response he had been expecting, but he cursed himself for putting expectations on the Ja. Praise the Ja! The Ja knew better than he did! The Ja-

"No." The Ja said. "I believe you are confused."

Su's brain skipped a beat as it tried to process what his ears had just heard. "Excuse me, praise the Ja?" he said.

The man looked apologetic as he spoke. "I get this kind of soul occasionally." he said, mostly to himself, then spoke directly to Su. "I'm sorry your understanding of how this would all work is not coming to pass. But I-"

"Thou art the Ja, and thou art great!" Su interrupted, completely in denial. "I know of thy greatness, for thou have blessed me for my service!"

"You're dead." The Ja pointed out, taken aback at Su's outburst.

"There is no greater service, for I now can bask in thy presence!" Su proclaimed, his voice raising to a screech. The Ja tried to say something, but Su wasn't done.

"Praise the Ja!" Su yelled. "For he has raised me from death itself! Praise the Ja! For even in death I rely on his light! Praise the-"

The Ja stuck out his hand and closed Su's lips with his fingers, silencing him. "Shush." Su gasped. The Ja had touched him! Oh, praise the Ja! "This isn't the end." The Ja said. "Just an in-between. You'll fade soon enough."

Su's eyes blazed. "And I shall treasure this meeting forever and ever, praise the Ja!"

The Ja waved a hand, dismissive. "I told you- never mind."

Su had to admit the Ja's mannerisms weren't what he was expecting, but that was alright. The Ja knew better than Su did, praise the Ja.

Around him, the mist began to fade. Su felt a tugging sensation, about where the spike had impaled him, compelling him onward. To whatever was next.

"Farewell, praise the Ja." he said, addressing the Ja one final time. "I shall use all I learned from this meeting to govern how I act in what comes next. Praise the Ja!"

The Ja sighed, looking like he wanted to say don't bother, yet stayed silent. Light filled Su's vision and he smiled. This time, his carefully chosen final words came easily.

"Praise the Ja!"

Edited by Coral Swan
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1 hour ago, Melon Dingo said:

I don't know if I'm incredibly proud of 13 pages or if I want even more. I guess meme quality is mostly preserved.

Dingo rn:



Edited to add:

Ngl what I really want to see are more song parodies. We've got memes and banter a-plenty.

Edited by Salmon Meerkat
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I'm blue (da ba dee da ba dai)...

That's not really a parody, that's just me.


(Also - Matrim, thank you for the new profile pic! I don't think I ever actually said thank you, and I'd like to assure you I love the color patterns... they're just very similar to the colors Turquoise and Pearl grabbed, so Dingo be blue)


Edit: That's a lot of people all of a sudden. No coloranimals, though. Hello!

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