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Shardblades and Investiture


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Theory: The reason Shardblades cannot cut through Shardplate is that just the amount of investiture in the plate stops them.


I think that Shardplate is more than just a tool to stop Shardblades. We know that it grants phenomenal strength and speed to wearers even when they don't know what to do with it. As well, we see many of its other magical properties in the form of its transparent helmet and its auto re-sizing to fit the wearer. Now, all of this requires constant Stormlight infusion, which means that Sharplate needs to be powered at all times so as not to lock up. I think it is the investiture more than the plate that gives it its resistance to Shardblades


Think of Nightblood. He is definitely going to need to be able to fight against Shardblades, but he is only a regular sword with an incredible amount of breaths. I think this investiture alone will protect him.

If my theory is correct I wonder if a person sufficiently invested (a full KR with as much Stormlight as he could hold, maybe the Lord Ruler or the God King) would be immune or at least resistant to a Shardblade's cut.

What do you all think? Some related topics which would be helpful to this discussion are:
-How does a Shardblade fair against cutting a fabriel?
-Why does a Shardblade slow when entering a body?
-Has a Shardblade ever cut a gemheart?


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