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Shardplate Tennis


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Okay so this is going to sound stupid but in the 4 thousand years that these people have had shardplate the only thing/sport they seem to use it in is duelling.... Shardplate Tennis people or rugby or grid iron...... Shardplate figure skating lol

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Well, I'm not sure we've seen other Rosharian sports, and I doubt they'd have similar sports to ours, considering how different the worlds are. Another thing is that every person with shardplate is very high-profile, sure to be trained in combat, so chances are dueling or politics will be their favorite 'sports', and even if they do dislike those things there's a very low chance any other shardbearer would want to play a sport other than that, and if they did it would cause all sorts of gossip. Of course, this may just be down to Brandon not writing on sports much; I can recall that he did one scene in Warbreaker with Lightsong, don't think he touched on them in any of the mistborn books, I don't think there's anything more than a passing reference, if even that, in TES, and then I don't think he did in Elantris, but I'm not very familiar with Elantris, so I could be wrong. There's bits about it in Steelheart, but there's no actual playing of the sport. I don't think there's anything in The Rithmatist, unless you count the Melee as a sport. There's TWoK and WoR, of course, but as you said there's only dueling in those. Long story short, Brandon has three-four non-dueling sport scenes/plotpoints/mentions I can think of off of the top of my head in all his books, he just doesn't write them much.


Back to Shardplate, if, after the desolations, they figure out how to forge shardplate (if they can at all), chances are it will start becoming more available for others. Dalinar mentions something similar to this in TWoK, when he is digging the latrine, and wonders why there isn't and shardplate for workers; it's very possible that if shardplate starts becoming more and more available to people, we'll see other sports with it.


That post turned out a lot longer than I expected it to be, lol.

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