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The origin of man (WoR Spoilers)


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So I've been intrigued to see how the gender politics would develop throughout book 2, and I actually noticed something that intrigued me.

Towards the end of the book Kaladin mentions that the whole "lighteyes" racism thing is probably connected to the fact that the Radiants had lighter coloured eyes themselves. In considering this, I actually remembered a line earlier on (i wish I had a page number) where Syl mentions to Kaladin, "Honor created man."

Going on this line of inquiry, I considered what if Honor created man, Cultivation created women and Odium created Parshendi out of spite as his own little vessels of everstorm evil. I got a bit stuck because I remembered that Preservation and Ruin couldn't create, but then I vaguely remember someone somewhere mentioned that was something very specific to their intent. Preservation and Ruin alone can't do actual creation, so it wouldn't be out of the realms of possibility that each of the shards created their own genders, and by extension, made that binary a strong part of their culture.

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Brandon said that the Parshendi are not of Honor, Cultivation or Odium, so they're probably native.

Also, if I was Rayse, I wouldn't make a species as intelligent as Parshendi, I would make a species obeys my commands completely, cannot think by itself, and wants to kill humans. The Last Legion escaped and Eshonai sought peace, so Rayse probably subverted the original process of Parshendi bonding to include voidspren.

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I was corrected on this yesterday by someone kind enough to dig up the WoB - the Listeners are not of Honour, and not originally of Cultivation or Odium. Odium clearly has something to do with the Voidbringer versions of the Listeners and Cultivation probably has something to do with the regular Listeners but neither one of them actually created the species.

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Q: The hair color: is there a link between the hair color in Warbreaker and the hair color in—like with the Alethi always have black, and I can't remember the other country that always have their gold hair coloring?

A: Yes. You are noticing something very interesting which was done deliberately.


This also led me to think that not all humans are the same species of humans on Roshar.. for example Alethi and Iri..

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