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About _Hoid_

  • Birthday 06/16/1993

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  • Member Title
    Worldhopping Loreman

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  1. Hello again ladies and gentlemen, I mocked up something that more or less represents the pathian symbol described in the books. I mostly made it for this video, but figured you folks would appreciate seeing it as well. The black on the outside and white on the inside is deliberate. It was extremely annoying getting the paths to interlock like this, but I think i did it correctly. Let me know what you think!
  2. According to the Wiki and AOL, we know that the Pathian Symbol is 10 interlocking rings. I have a few questions you kind folks might be able to help me answer: 1. Have we ever seen a representation of this? There are so many ways you could make 10 rings interlock, i have to assume they're in some sazed-specific pattern. 2. Do we know if there's any significance to the number 10 in this case? I know it's associated with roshar specifically, and was quite surprised to find it popping up on Scadrial in such a significant way upon my re-read.
  3. Teft is definitely one of my favorites. Taravangian as well. After Rhythm of War, my emotions were absolutely shook by the both of their arcs, lol. Steris (mb era 2) and Shai (emperor's soul) are also excellent. I really didn't get Lift at first, but now she's grown into one of my favorite characters. I have a lot to say about her and her role in a fantasy setting, I'll be typing that up at some point soon. But she's great. Least favorite would be Zane hands down. As a character, Moash is fantastic. As a person, I hate his guts, lol. I also don't like Raoden too much, but that might just be Brandon's writing of characters not being as good back then. I feel like he's gotten much better. How about yourself? Favorites? Least favorites?
  4. Hello! Good to meet you all. I started reading the sando's books in 2017-ish, and have been hooked ever since. I even started a series on youtube talking about some theories about the cosmere, analyzing them, etc. I've lurked here for quite a while before joining up, and I have to say this seems like a lovely community. Can't wait to interact with you folks and talk about my more insane theories. Cheers!
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