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  1. I think that David is an idiot! He thinks that whatever he feels and desires is the right and only way to think. I've been listening to the series and it has been very difficult listening to the constant repeating of information! I think that anyone with any intelligence can remember that David's father was killed by Steelheart, that he lived in darkness almost his entire life and that his rifle is perfect! I'm the second book of the series Firefight, David knows information that the other team members don't and instead of keeping his bratty mouth shut, he pushes Tia and Profs buttons, which forces them to discuss information that needed to remain confidential. Instead of David owning up to his mistake, he whines about being called out on a topic he shouldn't have brought up. I'm also sick and tired of him thinking he's in charge and having very little respect for the team prior to David's arrival. Yes, things seem to work out perfectly fine for him and all his trouble, but the way he handles things is just down right childish! Also, since I'm on this rant, David needs to accept that Megan was tricking all of them, that she's not some Angel with broken wings he needs to save and show some freaking respect for the people that took you in when they didn't have to! I'd like to say I feel.better, but I dont. Brandon Sanderson is a decent writer, so why the heck right books with a character that never seems to grow up, appreciate anything and whines, whines, whines!!!!
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