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About Azy

  • Birthday 03/25/1994

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  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia

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  1. Thank god, somebody who makes sense around this place! I think I can find a few drop bears around here we could use. And thanks so much for the lamington, I've been dying for one since I got here! Thanks for the welcome ^^ Love your creepy avatar, by the way. Do you think I could smash one of 'em out in a fistful of hours, four maybe? Cause if I could read one between my split shifts, that'd definitely be a big plus in their favour. Gives me something semi-self-contained that I can do while I wait around.
  2. I'm not really finding it as easy a read as The Alloy of Law, but maybe that's because I haven't had the chance to sit and read for more than an hour at a time. But still, I'm liking it, just not nearly as much as I thought I would. I might have to ask around and get some more opinions in that case. See, it's the setting and the (as my friend put it) "kinda almost super heroes but kinda also not" theme. It's just not sitting right with what I normally read.
  3. I picked up Warbreaker not too long ago. I'm afraid I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet, since Shadows of Self rudely interrupted me (it took waaaaay to long to arrive. International postage, am I right?). But yeah, that's about it for me. Are the Reckoners books good? My friend recommended Steelheart to me - they're the only Sanderson books he's read - but he couldn't quite sell me on it.
  4. Don't do that to me - now I really want a hot dog, and the only place that sells them is a half hour away TT^TT
  5. Welcome cookie? Only if it's a Tim Tam! Thanks for the welcome though, and I don't blame you for being bored. Even I felt a little that way myself. Also, don't knock our salty yeast spread - it goes best with cheese and butter, by the way.
  6. Sorry, do forgive the title, I couldn't help myself. If you hadn't already guessed, I'm from "the lan' down unda" (Australia), and when thinking of a way to introduce myself, I just roll with exaggerated stereotypes. Anyway, I decided to make an account here because I'm a lonely housebound girl in the prime of her youth (21), who has little to do between night work, day work, and waiting for her partner to come home. Also, because I really, really enjoy reading Brandon Sanderson's works. I've plodded my way through Elantris and Mistborn, and power read through Stormlight the first few times, then slowed down for the scenic route. If you were interested, I started reading Sanderson's works at The Stormlight Archive, and I was intrigued by the prelude and absolutely captivated by the end of the first chapter. What made me pick up The Way of Kings (Part One)? In my more naive years, I conceived a story about two young adventurers, bound to stop an age old war. One was the ask questions later, sword swinging, magic wielding hero Azura - the other was her companion, a field medic and compassionate hero to the common people, Kalidota (later shorted to simply 'Kalid', because it sounded cooler). Even though I had moved away from these characters and their story, they still stayed with me as the ones who really grounded my love for writing. Sorry, we got a bit off topic, didn't we? Well, I think we still made it in the end. Browsing my local Dymocks store I picked up a pretty spiffy looking white, red and black book (yes, I shop by cover) and flipped it over (and also by synopsis). The blurb piqued my interest, so I flicked the book open to a random page and began reading (and also by content). As luck would have it, I spotted a name near the top of a page which was similar to one from memory, 'Kaladin' — see, when you think about it this way, my round about story was useful, no? At any rate, my mind drew a line from 'Kaladin' to 'Kalid', I finished the page and the book went into the crook of my arm while I continued to browse. One day later I was back at the book shop, picking up part two of the book. I feel like I've been talking for ages. Are you bored yet? I have no idea. Sorry, it's been easily a week since I've had the chance to talk about something I enjoy. My work colleagues just like to complain about their 'good for nothing children', and how hard it is to find a parking space (I just take the bus). My interests include whatever I've already said and a fistful more that I probably won't list, but here; I make chainmail when I get some spare time, I mosaic decorations for the house - I'm about to start work on a coffee table top FOR AZEROTH -, I play a few video games with my partner, and have infrequent table top nights with friends from highschool. We're busy people with conflicting schedules (between university and workiversity), and so Valin Shadeswood's bow must wait before seeking more targets, he understands. That's enough of me for now. Thanks for letting me chat, and I look forward to getting to know people on the boards.
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