Tweets December 14–31
BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14 You guys want to do a writing exercise together? I've been wanting to do some dialogue practice. We could each do 5 pages on a theme, and...
BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14 ...and I could post my five for you to see, then look at some of the better ones on writing excuses and talk over strengths/weaknesses.
BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14 Write a 5-10 page two character dialogue with no tags or blocking. Dialogue only. Try to evoke character, conflict, and plot with this only.
BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14 Include: A problem, 2 distinct individuals, a fantasy/sf element. Avoid: long monologues, exposition. Use context, not explanations.
BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14 Inspiration: Be done Sunday. I'll try & get the TWG Forum back up for posting. If not, post on your blog and send a link
shnar Tue Dec 14@brandonsandrson as in Script format? No prose? Or simple prose but mostly dialog?
BrandonPSA Tue Dec 14@BrandonSandrson humor me... define tags or blocking
BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 14 Another excellent example, this one from @JRVogt: Make yours shorter if you want. 5 pgs is just what I'll post.
BrandonPSA Tue Dec 14@BrandonSandrson also... define "page".. maybe a charcacter count/page
TymCon Tue Dec 14@BrandonSandrson Can we do it in a script format. E.g: Cian: X just stabbed me, Owen: Nice.
RantingDragon Tue Dec 14@BrandonSandrson Just so I understand it right: only dialogue? So not: "Blah blah," said Brandon, eying the huge Trolloc. Only the blah?
Ganymede_mj Tue Dec 14@BrandonSandrson love too but jumping a plane also just finished latest wot loved it u r doing the series proud
amurderofcrows Tue Dec 14@BrandonSandrson I'm game. Where do we post?
shnar Tue Dec 14@BrandonSandrson I just saw your 'Mistborn Llama' pic, and still laughing. What's the story behind it?
MaryRobinette Tue Dec 14Hey! @scalzi just promised all Campbell winners cookies on his podcast. Chocolate chip, please.
1stRainbowRose Tue Dec 14@brandonsandrson Just to check, who are you wanting to do this with? Just anyone or someone specific?
pale_blue_sky Tue Dec 14@BrandonSandrson Silly question, but how many words do 5 pages generally equate to?
YetiStomper Tue Dec 14@BrandonSandrson I'm not sure what that is an example of but I look forward to reading the rest of that. @JRVogt
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 17 Writing Exercise: Dialogue.
Dreadlord617 Fri Dec 17@BrandonSandrson: Google has judged you and found you 74% basic, 24% intermediate and 1% advanced:
missionmobilizr Fri Dec 17@brandonsandrson I'm reading Alcatraz vs the Shattered Lens. p153 almost made me yawn. I held it off until p154.
mathachew Fri Dec 17Finished the #Mistborn trilogy. It's hard to describe it in just one word: Amazing. Addictive. Satisfying. Brilliant. @BrandonSandrson
GoneBlack212 Thu Dec 16@BrandonSandrson If we don't have a blog, and wanted to participate in this, where would we be instructed to post our endeavors? Thank you!
DKoles Thu Dec 16@brandonsandrson was the title "Towers of Midnight" in reference to the place that Mat is heading to rescue Moiraine from?
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 17 Wow, only two days until koloss head munching day. Man. Suppose I ought to plan something.
BrandonSandrson Sat Dec 18 Took Christmas presents to neighbors w/Limeboy. Every time: door opens, & before they say hi, he walks in and starts playing w/their stuff.
BrandonSandrson Sat Dec 18 On my way to my last signing of the year. Bountiful utah B&N. 2-4.
BrandonSandrson Sun Dec 19 Thank you for the birthday wishes, all. And a happy Koloss Head Munching day to all of you.
BrandonSandrson Wed Dec 22 I will post my dialogue pages soon. Used six of yours in writing excuses episodes. First airs next week.
BrandonSandrson Tue Dec 28 My dialogue writing exercise turned into a short story, "I Hate Dragons." We also talked about others' on the podcast.
BrandonSandrson Thu Dec 30 If you've bought any of my books on Kindle, lending is now enabled for them.
BrandonSandrson Fri Dec 31 I posted the panel schedule for next month's Superstars Writing Seminar. It's three days packed with great info.
robisonwells Thu Dec 30I only got 1400 words today, but I FINALLY SOLVED THE PROBLEM THAT'S BEEN PLAGUING ME FOR A MONTH! #thankgoodness #aboutfreakingtime
teunvink Fri Dec 31Finished Towers of Midnight. @BrandonSandrson did an amazing job continuing Robert Jordan's work! Can't wait for Memory of Light #WoT
TheOfficeTroll Fri Dec 31I'm reading Alvatraz vs the Knights of Crystallia. Pages 188-189 make me hate the author. Curse you, @BrandonSandrson
IronHouseDvorak Fri Dec 31@BrandonSandrson I don't suppose you have anything new publishing soon? ... loving your books!
hungryturnip Fri Dec 31@BrandonSandrson hey got a nook eReader for Christmas any WOT-like recommendations? (have all of your stuff). Reading Brent Weeks right now.
rahvin1 Thu Dec 30@BrandonSandrson @PeterAhlstrom Congratulations on being #73 on Amazons Top 100 for the year 2010 with The Way of Kings #TWoK
floydobaggins Thu Dec 30@BrandonSandrson I don't get to write many book reviews. But from a fan - Happy New Year, Mr Sanderson!
wutdafuhk Thu Dec 30@BrandonSandrson Got Towers of Midnight for Christmas! Thanks for continuing the saga. Need MOVIE! #thewheeloftime #bestseriesofalltime
japadua Thu Dec 30As I make my way through @BrandonSandrson books I find myself thinking, "How do i become this guy's friend?" They are just fantastic!
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