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Book trailer for THE RITHMATIST & Kickstarter for HEX

Tor made a book trailer for THE RITHMATIST (which is out now). Enjoy! There's also a cool Kickstarter campaign (well past its goal, ending in two days) from Cryptozoic Entertainment for a digital TCG/MMO called HEX. The developers of the (targeted for fall 2014) MISTBORN: BIRTHRIGHT video game, Little Orbit, are working on this game with Cryptozoic. My congratulations to all of them for such a successful Kickstarter! <a href="http://mistborn.blogspot.com/2013/06/book-trailer-for-rithmatis

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Signing Tonight at the Provo Library + Updates

This week's Writing Excuses episode talks about prewriting with our guest E.J. Patten, author of RETURN TO EXILE and THE LEGEND THIEF. Check it out. The Tor.com reread of THE WAY OF KINGS has reached chapter 12, covering the introduction of Dalinar and Adolin. I'm signing tonight at the Provo Library, with books sold by the King's English. Space in the room is limited to 500 people, and the library has already given out 500 free tickets. If you show up without a ticket you'll be in the standby

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

THE RITHMATIST Illustrations, Book Expo America & Updates, Book Expo America & Updates

The newest Writing Excuses podcast episode is called "What The Avengers Did Right." It has a bunch of spoilers for that movie and talks about it from the point of view of a writer. I've uploaded all of Ben McSweeney's awesome illustrations for THE RITHMATIST. This includes the map (which isn't in the ebook right now) and a couple of doodles that didn't make it into the final book. If you have the audiobook, we prepared a script for Michael Kramer that included the text from the diagrams so you

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My Phoenix Comicon Schedule

Today through Sunday I'm in Phoenix for Phoenix Comicon. Here's my schedule. Thu, 6:00-7:00PM (Room 104B) Books & Authors Phoenix Comicon Kickoff Kick of Phoenix Comicon 2013's Books and Authors programming with a brief look at what all is going on this weekend and a group interview with several of our author guests conducted by Peter Orullian. Brandon Sanderson, Cherie Priest, Peter Orullian, Terry Brooks, Timothy Zahn Fri, 1:30-2:30PM (Room 132) Brandon Sanderson and The Wheel of Time

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Hugo Voter Packet Out Now, Signed THE RITHMATIST + Updates

A few weeks ago I talked about the Hugo Voter Packet and how for a $60 supporting membership to Worldcon you could get copies of most of the Hugo Award-nominated works. Well, the packet was finally released today, so if you're already a member go download it now! If you're not a Worldcon member already, check out the cover art of the nominated works (it looks like pretty much everything except for the Dramatic Presentations are included in the packet) and consider joining so you can vote for the

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson


Tor.com's reread of THE WAY OF KINGS reaches chapter 11 today, which is Kaladin's low point. My YA dystopia STEELHEART comes out in September. Today the Onion AV Club put up the prologue of the book. Check it out! I'm in the middle of the tour for my YA fantasy THE RITHMATIST right now; I'll be in Denver tonight. If you're not near the cities I'm signing in, you can still grab a signed copy by ordering it from one of the bookstores I've already stopped at. They have quite a few copies and will

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson


The Rithmatist is out! Buy it from the links to the right or visit your local bookstore. (In the UK/Australia, the release date is May 23rd.) My book tour starts tonight in New York and continues in Philadelphia, Denver, Omaha, New Orleans, Houston, San Jose, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Provo, and Spanish Fork. For details see my events page. (And note, as always I'm happy to sign any books you bring to a signing. Don't feel bad showing up to a signing for The Rithmatist carrying your copy of A Memory

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Quick Update

Just a quick update today. I'm on my way to New York for the release of THE RITHMATIST on Tuesday. More about that in another post tomorrow, but The Book Smugglers have an interview with me where I talk about it and about writing YA, among other things. This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode talks about the culture that surrounds the writing community and the conventions we attend. Tor.com's reread of THE WAY OF KINGS has reached chapters 9 and 10, including Kaladin's first flashback chap

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

THE RITHMATIST audiobook, THE EMPEROR'S SOUL ebook at $2.99 & Updates

My YA fantasy novel THE RITHMATIST comes out next week. Read the first 5 chapters here and check out my signing tour schedule here. Tor.com also put up an article today talking about the book's magic system. I'm also pleased to report that Michael Kramer is narrating the audiobook for THE RITHMATIST. You can listen to the prologue and the first part of chapter 1 below. It will be available from Macmillan Audio via Audible and preloaded digital audio, and I assume via iTunes as usual though the

JordanCon Swag

I got back from JordanCon a few days ago. Often times at cons and signings, my readers bring me small gifts. I'm deeply grateful for the time and thought put into these, and I try to post pictures of some of them from time to time. JordanCon was no exception. Here are some of the cool things you all gave me. A highlight of the con for me was going to lunch with one of my idols, Michael Whelan. (For more on how much I love his work, see here.) He gave me one of the signed limited editions of The

My essay on Terry Pratchett + Updates

On Saturday Tor.com posted an essay of mine entitled "Terry Pratchett's Discworld Might Be The Highest Form of Literature on the Planet." I've mentioned my love of Terry Pratchett a few times on the blog before, but in this essay I lay out my whole case. Michael Whelan has signed prints of the A MEMORY OF LIGHT cover painting, that Harriet and I also signed at JordanCon. They look great! This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode is another microcasting episode where we cover a bunch of quest

THE RITHMATIST Book Tour + Signed Copies

My YA fantasy novel THE RITHMATIST comes out on May 14th in the US/Canada, and May 23rd in UK/Commonwealth countries. (Read the prologue and first five chapters here.) This book tour's stops are listed at the bottom of this post, and included are a bunch of cities I haven't visited on any recent tour. Also, I'm not doing a midnight release at BYU this year. Instead, the release will be Tuesday evening in New York at Books of Wonder (see below). I will number copies at the New York release. But

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Stormlight Videos + Updates

This past weekend I had a great time at JordanCon. Next year's Author Guest of Honor will be Patrick Rothfuss, with Artist Guest of Honor Larry Elmore. It should be awesome. While I was there I signed a number of books for two booksellers, The Missing Volume and Basement Books. They each also have a handful of copies of my Firstborn/Defending Elysium convention exclusive—but I forgot to sign those. Whoops. Still, if you're not at a con, this is the only way to get your hands on that hardcover u

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

My JordanCon Schedule

This weekend I'll be at JordanCon in Atlanta. My schedule is below, and the full schedule is here. Guests of Honor this year are Seanan McGuire (a.k.a. Mira Grant) and Michael Whelan. Team Jordan will also be participating. Stormlight/Mistborn/Rithmatist artists Isaac Stewart and Ben McSweeney will also be there. They have a panel with Michael Whelan called Art of the Stormlight Archive that you might want to check out. JordanCon will mark the release of my hardcover edition of FIRSTBORN and

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Reddit AMA + Updates

I'm doing a Reddit AMA (ask me anything) right now at /r/fantasy. Ask away. This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode talks about narrative rhythm. Here's the penultimate video of me from WORDS OF RADIANCE, the next Stormlight book. Next week I'll put up the conclusion and the sped-up version with everything in one video. <a href="http://mistborn.blogspot.com/2013/04/reddit-ama-updates.html">Source</a>

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

A MEMORY OF LIGHT ebook + Updates

A few random pieces of catch-up news for today. The ebook for A MEMORY OF LIGHT came out this week, if you didn't notice. You can find it at the usual vendors. This week the Writing Excuses podcast has another brainstorming episode, where I come up with a concept for a short story and Mary, Howard, and Dan help me toss ideas around for it. The annual Locus poll is live. Anyone can vote for what you consider to be 2012's best SF novel (among many other categories), but Locus subscribers' votes

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Helping Ben Wolverton

Many of you know that a certain author, Dave Wolverton (who also writes as David Farland), was an important mentor to me early in my career. Well, Dave has run into some difficult times recently, as his son Ben had a longboarding accident and is now in a coma. Dave, like many artists and authors in our country, doesn't have health insurance. The burden of this debt could crush him. Some friends and family of his have organized a few campaigns to help out. Since many people who read this blog kn

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson


This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode is called "Fake It Till You Make It" and in it Mary, Dan, Howard, and I talk about the things we do or have done to feel professional. Also, as I mentioned earlier this week, Writing Excuses has been nominated once again for the Hugo Award for Best Related Work! Our announcement on that is here. And if you missed my announcement of THE EMPEROR'S SOUL being nominated for Best Novella, it is here. Howard's Schlock Mercenary: Random Access Memorabilia

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

THE EMPEROR'S SOUL Nominated for a Hugo Award!

The nominations for the 2013 Hugo Awards were recently released, and I'm elated to announce that The Emperor's Soul has been nominated for Best Novella. This is, quite frankly, awesome. It's my first major award nomination in a fiction category. Alongside it, Writing Excuses has been nominated for Best Related Work for its third year running. I don't know what to say other than thank you. Thank you to those who supported the story, who gave me feedback, and who encouraged me to find time to wh

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

2013 Convention Exclusive: Firstborn & Defending Elysium

This year I'll be going to several conventions—JordanCon, Phoenix Comicon, ConnectiCon, and SpoCon (among others not yet announced). Last year I started doing convention exclusives, which I'd been wanting to do for a while—something to make it worth the effort for people to go out of their way to come see me. This year's exclusive is an Ace Double-style hardcover of "Firstborn" and "Defending Elysium." Check out these photos: The technical term for this kind of book layout is tête-bêche mea

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Podcasts, STEELHEART & THE RITHMATIST Covers, Writing Video

A couple new podcast episodes for you. This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode is an in-depth discussion of "Deus ex Nauseum," Howard's bonus story at the end of Schlock Mercenary: Emperor Pius Dei. Also, on the Farland's Authors Advisory Conference Calls, artists Isaac Stewart and Ben McSweeney (whose work has appeared in the Mistborn books, THE WAY OF KINGS, and THE RITHMATIST, among many others), joined to talk about how artwork can enhance a novel. You can listen to a recording of the ca

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Stormlight 2 Video + Writing Excuses

In this week's Writing Excuses podcast episode, Robison Wells joins us once again to talk about abnormal psychology. There are a lot of depths there to plumb for characterization, so check it out. My assistant has uploaded another Twitter posts archive. And there's a new video up of me , the sequel to THE WAY OF KINGS. <a href="http://mistborn.blogspot.com/2013/03/stormlight-2-video-writing-excuses.html">Source</a>

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Way of Kings ebook for $2.99, Giveaway, & Tor.com Reread

Today Tor.com announced they're doing a reread for THE WAY OF KINGS. You can read the announcement here. Buy the $2.99 ebook here (DRM-free): Kindle (US)(CA) Nook iBooks (US)(CA) Kobo Dragonmount If you're not familiar with Tor.com's rereads, which they've done for The Wheel of Time and other series like the Kingkiller Chronicle, the Dresden Files, and the Malazan Book of the Fallen, it's a regular column focusing on a work in detail, broken down into small chunks of from one to a few chapt

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Writing Excuses & Writing Video

Just a quick update today. This week's Writing Excuses podcast episode is another brainstorming episode. This time Mary, Dan, and I help Howard brainstorm for a comic. Though apparently the end result was a failure! Check it out. I've also uploaded another , the sequel to THE WAY OF KINGS. Enjoy.Source

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Hugo Nomination Deadline + Signed Copies of AMoL

Below I have bookstore listings where you can find signed copies of A MEMORY OF LIGHT (and a few have THE EMPEROR'S SOUL as well). They will ship to you, so give them a call! This Sunday night is the deadline for nominating for the Hugo Awards, if you're a Worldcon member. The nomination form is here. As a reminder, I will send a free electronic copy of THE EMPEROR'S SOUL to Hugo voters considering what to nominate in the novella category. See this post for details. And now, notes from the boo

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

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