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  1. Also, as long as you have paid for a legitimate copy of the ebook, I can't see anyone minding if you decide to 'obtain' it from another source on the US release date.
  2. WoB is that Roshar is the only major landmass/continent, but other smaller islands certainly exist.
  3. Was browsing reddit when I saw a thread about the effect on Earth if the original supercontinent had never broken up. I know WoB has confirmed that the Stormlight Archive is set on a supercontinent, and one post stuck out to me. http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1wntee/if_the_continents_never_left_pangea/cf3rt6r Apparently it is theorized that regular massive hurricanes would be one of the results. Don't know if Brandon knew and planned for that to be the case, but either way it's worked out well for him.
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