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  1. Yesterday I had the opportunity to have some words with Brandon here in Barcelona, I ask him for the release date of the third book of Stormlight Archives, and he said is planned for November 2017. I asked him then for the movie, and he quickly understood what I meant, and he said he would like to bring first the three first Mistborn novels to the big screen, so I hope he can convince DMG to start with Mistborn instead and give him more time to evolve Stormlight Archives without pressure.
  2. Starting with SA is premature at least for me... He only has written two of 10 books, and yet he writes fast, he should be faster, so he is putting pressure on him and perhaps do the things not so perfect as we are used to. They should start with Elantris/Warbreaker and then continue with the first three books of Mistborn, in my opinion. They are auto-conclusive, they can show the Cosmere to the "great public" (most of them, never will read a single page from Brandon's work) and see if can suceed, this will give Brandon time enough to finish the second part of Mistborn and write two or three more SA books. They'll premiere first TWoK, and then? The same year will release The Well of Ascension? They will wait a year to release it? So If they are putting a movie per year, I can foretell they will fail. Let's wait for more information...
  3. Thank you so much for the welcome, guys O yes, I want all those cookies... but my web browser says it doesn't allow! xDDDD
  4. I love linux, really, and I hate to admit this, but IMHO, Ubuntu phone still is too unmature to the great public. It will be a great device perhaps in two years more, but on latest MWC I had one in my hands and it was a poor experience (but a great idea), I must say the hardware is not so great than other seen on other OSes, but I do expect more fluency and stability in a phone. I use it (the phone) like a computer, and I use Android (since version 1.2) because it gave me more or less the same freedom that linux gives to me. I only need to root my Android device and chroot a GNU/Linux inside to work with no problem. The problem is that Linux is on a race to release the first distro, and Canonical have made their move: be the first to sell phones with a Linux: Ubuntu Touch. But on medium to low hardware to be competitive, so the user experience is not good and I think they use their customers like guinea pigs (just like google did with Android, no more, no less). Samsung went just after, and they also released cheap and powerless devices to the Indian market, I have one of this also in the MVC two years ago, and it looked like an Android. The good part is seems Samsung's Tizen is more mature than Ubuntu Touch, but it seems Samsung itself is waiting to improve the OS to compite with Google. There exist also Jolla Sailfish, which came from MeeGo, which came itself from Maemo... none of those projects really produced any device (only the OS), and for the final customer, that is a complete fail. They need a manufacturers to give them firmwares or their OS will be only a proof-of-concept. Regarding your problem with the Bluetooth and the soft reboots... is not Android's fault, but your device. I would speak with the seller or if you're more tech savy, you could ask on xda forums (http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one) You could install a pure AOSP, instead the OnePlus layer, for instance. Aaaaand regarding the Linux Desktop, now it's too late (2 am here at the moment and tomorrow I enter at work at 9 am), but I promise tomorrow I will screencast my desktop for you to see if it is powerfull enough for a Windows user
  5. GNU/Linux here and glad to see a 12% of linux users and many windows users who aren't linux-haters (as opposited on gaming communities). Regarding steam and gaming, a while ago I deceided not to buy any game not released for my OS, and I have more than 300 native linux games, most indies, but a bunch of AAA games as well, and I'm from a generation who thinks that gameplay isn't related to the quality of the graphics, so I'm very pleased with my game library. I work with linux and each and every device on my house (except phones) has linux inside as well. The freedom it gives to me is essential, I'm not tied to privative software since 8 years and the things just work, and if they doen't work, sometimes I can arrange by myself and help creators to improve (and I am not a developer).
  6. Hi, I would like to introduce myself as well. I'm from Barcelona (Spain), so please, forgive my english as is not my native language. I'm an IT guy, one of those GNU/Linux taliban, who plays RPGs, listen some unpronounceable kind of scandinavian metal music and always wears in black. I love computers, robotics, domotics, reading and I even write some assays that one day I would like to merge into a novel and publish freely to others to read. I started reading Sanderson novels since Warbreaker (circa 2007 or 2008, I can't recall precisely), when by chance I downloaded a CC copy and I really enjoyed it, so inmediately I became a fan of that young writer (which is only three years older than me (I will have fun until the both of us will be a pair of old men!)). At the beginning, I bought all books in spanish FAR expensive than the english ones (50$ or so to the change when in USA the same book would cost 18$), but I didn't mind because I was eager to read more and more novels from him: Elantris, Mistborn, each better than the former... but then, the editorial began to translate them so slowly I had to wait a year or even more to be able to read the few novels they translated, I went vey upset when they released The Way of Kings (2 year after!! In paperback at 35$ when in USA it cost 13$!!), but the coup de grace has been Words of Radiance, released a year and a half later, at the same price of 35$ and... only in hardcover!!, so everyone now has the collection impaired, and the editorial said there were no plans at all to release it in paperback like the first book... There are no words enough to describe how a fan can feel about this, so I deceided to swap to english. Now, I'm a happy reader, a happy collector, a bit less poor, and I don't mind at all to read any more in english thanks to Sanderson. I would like to thank to Brandon Sanderson to write so incredible histories, so great that he finally made grow the Epic Fantasy genre, stalled since its creation with Toliken, and while I can admit there are other authors who are doing their job nicely as well, I think Sanderson has a plan. A plan to "educate" children to read fantasy starting with Alcatraz, then continuing with The Rithmatist or The Reckoners when those kids become teens, going through more serious and mature reading with the Mitsborn saga, and ending, exploding, shinning, when all of us doesn't expect even more with the Stormlight Archives, that I'm pretty sure, he will glue all his novels someway to be recognized as the greatest writer of all times we know he already is. I will be in Barcelona this October 3rd to see Brandon and I hope to meet him, I've just bought a boxed Mistborn Trilogy (at 13$!!!!) to see if he can sign it... counting down the days! To the community, I'm pleased to be here, never it's too late to enter in a place where everyone has your own liking.
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