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Posts posted by Zionite

  1. This will probably be Controversial Opinion but I think one of the ways this series can differentiate itself from the Crowd is to play up its Diversity of races.The World of Wheel of time is such a mix of different Races and Cultures.If they Play it up the show would certainly look different from your standard european Fantasy.

    The Diversity of the Wheel of time world should allow them to Racebend without it contradicting the Stories.

    I would love to see Rand and the Aiel played by an Indian Actors and Actreses.Just Dye their Hair red.

    Emond Fielders Id like played by Hispanic Actors and Actresses.

  2. So Ive finished Book 4 and 5.Book 4 was pretty sweet with Rand becoming the Carcann and Matts Transformation,Perrin was actually quite awesome in this book.Lanfear was also interesting.

    Book 5 was a problem.The plot plods on and on and on.

    Also I have to say the Forsaken are disppointing so far with the obvious exception of Lanfear and Ishmaeal.

    I dint care for the Aes Sadai and now I dont care for the Wise ones.


    Rands romance is very eyeroll inducing.I howver really like Rands character development.Matt annoys me with his selfishness at times but hes cool


    So whats my view on the series so far?Well it started off very cliche but its gotten very interesting mythos wise.If a tv series was adapted they would do well to reinvent the beginning so as not to bore viewers straight off.That is reinvent the Book 1 and 2 plot to not be so cliche  and plodding-book 1 especially


    I also noticed that GOT seems very inpired by WOT.Wargs=Wolfbrother,Dragon(Rand/Dany)leading a Middleeastern warrior tribe(Dothraki/Aiel)etc

  3. You also have to keep in mind, The Wheel of Time is kind of an old series - it's what pioneered the fantasy genre into the not-Tolkien era, and ultimately inspired authors like Brandon. So, yea, if you've read some more (good) modern fantasy, you will already be familiar with a lot of the elements WoT introduced some 20 years ago, so they will feel, well, stale. So yea, don't expect much originality unless this is pretty much your introduction into the genre.


    :blink: U are Breaking my balls Argent.Breaking my Balls

  4. We do see some of Nale's henchmen in the Lift interlude bearing Shardblades. Assuming those Blades aren't their own highspren/Blades, the Skybreakers could quite conceivably have some of the missing Shards.


    Good point.

    If the Skybreakers do have the missing Shardweaapons that makes them very dangerous.....I mean 200 Shards...

  5. That isn't the only conclusion you can make from that. Shardplate change slightly over time to fit their user more. Blades we know get partially revived when summon so it's possible that they to change over time to better fit the user. Men no longer fight giant beings so having huge shardblades doesn't make much sense but since they aren't fully alive they aren't able to change to the degree Syl does, instead they just become a bit smaller.


    That's my 2 cents. I do think it's possible that there are a lot of shardblades we don't know about AND they do adapt over time. 


    There were 300 shardblades and plates left behind by KR during the recreance.Fastforward to present day and there are less than a 100 known shards.Where are the missing 200 shards?

    My guess is someone has them-Someone hiddn and my money is on Skybreakers

  6. In one of Dalinars Visions,he noted that the shardblades and plates abandoned by the KR during Recreancewas substantially larger than the ones he knew about in present day.Which means there is a substantial amount of Shardblades and Shardplates that are missing.Question is where are they?


    My guess is someone has them.Some secret player collected this shardweapons and now has an entire army of Shardbearers at its command hidden away from the public.


    Looking at the various secret factions at work in Roshar, My money is on it being the Skybreakers.


    I Expect Naln to show up with an army of shardbearers in Book 3

  7. Eh, 2 is better than 1, and 3 is better than 2. The problem you are having is that Jordan doesn't quite the "in late, out early" thing - especially the "in late" part. So you don't get to see Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Egwene be awesome off the bat (and become even more awesome throughout the books), you start with them not be awesome, but embarking on a journey to become awesome (spoiler alert: they become awesome). Which happens at different times for all of them, but generally 1-3 are about them discovering what they can do and what they are good at, and 4-6 (maybe 7 too) are about them use those skills they've acquired / developed. Journey before destination indeed.

    I have no problem with the Journey before destination.I question why the journey has to be so darn Boring,predictable,cliche and slow.

    Im starting to see why there has been no live adapatation of Wheel of time despite fanboy popularity.

    Ill howver take your word and try book 2.Thanks

  8. if Nightblood counts as a Splinter it should grant powers like a Spren albeit diff powers since it wld be a splinter of Endowment not a splinter of Honor/Cultivation .


    Splinters of Honor/Cultivation grant Surgebinding powers.On the other hand  Splinters of Endowment like Divine Breath grant Returned Powers.

    So that means that the wielder of a Stormlight powered Nightblood cld have the powers of the Returned.Fitting for Szeth who has now returned from the dead.
  9. Parshendi forms existed before Honor,Cultivation,or Odium came to roshar. This very likely means that Parshendi forms are actually connected to Adonalsium magic sytem.Odium just hijacked it by introducing his own spren into the system.


    As for Cultivation magic system-I have no idea.Random guess is that it turns out to be like a Pokemon-like system with Spren instead of Pokemon.

  10. Im trying my best to get into the book everyone seems to like to no avail.The first book struck me as being so mediocre and derivative that I quit after a few chapters.I picked up the comic series and read it all and Im scratching my head on whats great about it.Not only is it freaking slow,its derivative farmboy turned hero-I mean Really.

    Please tell me what book those this series get better,so I can skip to it instead.

  11. Reply in bold

    This is an interestingattempt to predict the structure of abilities.  However, I believe we've already seen a multiplicity of powers that don't fit in this framework.


    • Amplifying his voice to yell to Adolin in the Tower battle seems like an application of pressure that is not one of the three lashings. 

       Stormlight enhances the users physical abilities,that includes his voice.

    • On several occasions Kaladin has used stormlight to land safely after falling from great heights (when hiding the armor under the bridge in tWoK, for example) This seems like an application of pressure, but is not one of the three named lashings from the Ars Arcanum. 

      Actually it is-Basic Lashing

    • Kaladin uses the "winds" to guide him in the six Shardbearer duel and the final battle with Szeth.  This could be another application of the pressure surge. 

    This was explained WOB and a bit in WOR. Each order has a gift not related to the surges.With Windrunners its a gift in combat-the winds guide them in battle.With Lightweavers,the gift is Memory.


    Brandon  let us know that this gifts are not granted by surges but are  supernatural nevertless.Wouldnt explain further but hinted this gifts are important


    Reply in bold

    I do not believe the Surges will be limited in the manner described in the OP. Our only WoB suggests that the use of the individual Surges is the same between Orders, but that each Order can do something special by combining them.


    It does seem to suggest that-But Im still holding out that Brandon might have been implying differently.Small chance but still


    I don't believe there's only three powers. The point is to manipulate aspects of reality - someone with Gravity can manipulate all forms of gravity, so they should get Basic/Reverse Lashings. I believe the term "Three Lashings" is misleading people - it's an in house grouping of the powers of the Windrunners, I think, and not a signal that Windrunners had only three powers. (Kaladin's "force push" against the Parshendi after speaking the Ideal is a suggestion that he can make mini-explosions.)


    The Ars Arcannum suggest that the Windrunners had only three powers.The Force push was just an effect of Kaladin saying the 1st ideal not a surge power.,Just like the rune that appeared when he said the second ideal.



  12. Lift almost certainly has 4 powers.  When she "climbs" Windle, the observer (who doesn't see him) simply sees her climbing a wall without handholds.  I took this as a Friction surge, and it simply manifests to her as a function of her Spren.  Likewise, Pattern mimics voices but Shallan should be capable of this on her own (as Pattern himself tells her).

    Not sure that counts as 4 powers for Lift.Wyndle merely uses his own powers to aid her by becoming an invisible aid thats not surgebinding.



    Lightweaving is the manipulation of sound and Light-so voice mimicry should fall under lightweaving.


    Lightweaving counts as 1 illumination power not 2

  13. The fact that Kaladin and Lift got more named abilities from one surge that from the other doesn't mean that they got a better affinity to said surge. Kaladin learned to use Adhesion well enough before he was able to use Gravitation properly. Shallan had problems trying to get Transformation to work properly, succeeding only two known times (the goblet to blood and the ship), but was able to use Illumination throughout the whole book (and likely during her childhood, patterns in the gardens, dreams that became real, etc.), Lift was using Abrasion for a long time before her interlude (as stated by Wyndle), but used Regrowth only a few times, with Wyndle's instructions, and used Growth for the first time on Gawk.



    Ah-now I see the misunderstanding.When I talk about Orders and their specialty I am not reffering to the surge they easily learnt.If I was then yes Windrunners would be adhesion,Lightweavers wold be illumination etc


    When I talk about an  Orders specialty is all Im reffering to is the surge that grants the most powers.With that definition of specialty Windrunners would be Gravitation,Edgedancers would be progression etc.


    In fact It occurs to me that the surge that grants the most powers to an order is more difficult to learn than the other.Thats why Windrunners like Kaladin learnt adhesion quicker than Graviataion despite the fact he has 2 Graviattion powers.




    About Windrunners, wind is created by differences in air pressure between to spots, resulting in the movement of the wind, and pressure and vacuum is exactly what Adhesion is about.

    Windrunners have 3 displayed abilities and not one of them involve winds.2 of those abilities(Reverse Lashing and Basic Lashing) may appear to  be wind related but we know they are Gravity releated.For example when Kal flies hes not actually" riding the winds"-hes simply manipulating gravity around himself.Yet the powers the windrunners posses give them what looks like a mastery  wind hence the name.

  14. It's supposed to have something to do with rigidity. There was a WoB where Brandon gave an example of, IIRC, a towel being infused to become completely rigid. I can't quote the WoB to you, but I think it was asked at Steelheart Seattle signing.

    Thanks man.Hope to find the WOB

  15. Thanks 4 d replies guys 

    It's a sound enough theory, and I suppose I could support it (despite my initial ideas being that you got the two surges and then a combination of the two). Lightweavers and Elsecallers need to be swapped though. Lightweavers - in their very name - are the masters of illusion. Elsecallers are more likely specialised in Soulcasting due to Jasnah's 'ranged Soulcasting', where she wasn't required to touch it (though from what we've seen of Shallan's POV, it may not be necessary in the first place). 


    If Lightweavers are specialized in illumination then Trutchwatchers will instead be spcialized in progression.Howver that cant be right because progression belongs to edgedancers.


    You have to understand that though Radiants are named for  their abilities,their names arent a necssary good indicator to the nature of therir powers or specialty.Example is Windrunners-Their powers dont involve manipulating wind despite what they are named.So the names arent good indicators



    I still feel inclined with my own thoughts however. Basic lashing combines with a full lashing to create a reverse lashing (gravitation + adhesion = mixture), as adhesion is able to force the gravitation to stick to that object (adhesion). Also I think Szeth might have said it used more Stormlight, implying the two surges are present.




    Sorry not sure how Gravitation and adhesion would resul in reverse lashing?




    PS. I also think the main-secondery surge thing, if it does exist in some way or another (like in the order of affinity to it) is the other way around, so the main surge for Windrunners is Adhesion, Abrasion for Edgedancers, Illumination for Lightweavers, Transformation for Elsecallers, Division for Dustbringers, etc.

    This is supported by both the orders names as well as what we saw from Kaladin, Shallan and Lift (as well as Ym)

    Like I pionted out earlier the names can be deceptive.

    Also Shallan has only learnt 1 surge so shes not a great example.Kaladin and lift are better since they use both surges.Judging fom Kaladins 3 lashings,Gravitation is a Windrunners specailty.Judging form Lift,progression is their specailty

  16. Okay heres my question about surges


    1.What exactly is Tension about?I mean I know Brandon defined it as soft axial interconnections but that is just unclear.

    2.Adhesion is surge of Pressure and Vaccuum.Not sure how Pressure or vaccuum could be responsible for sticking things together(Full lashing),so cld someone explain?

  17. As you already Know, Radiants have 2 surges. I speculate that this surges can be categorized as a Specialty Surge and a Basic Surge. The Specialty Surge grants the Radiant 2 powers whilst the Basic Surge grants only 1 power



    Windrunners have Gravitation as their Specialty Surge so it grants them 2 powers (Basic  Lashing and Reverse Lashing). On the other hand Adhesion is their Basic Surge so it grants them 1 power alone (Full Lashing).


    Edgedancers have Progression as their Specialty Surge so it grants them 2 powers  (Growth and Regrowth). On the other hand Abrasion is their Basic Surge so it grants them 1 power alone (Slicking).


    No Radiant orders have the same specialty even if they share surges. For example Windrunners and Skybreakers share the Gravitation surge but Gravitation surge is the specialty surge for Windrunners alone which means Skybreakers specialty will be Division.


    Using this info we can predict which of an Orders surges is the Specialty or Basic surge. This info lets us know  how many powers each surge will grant to each order. We can further speculate on what this powers are using the info weve been given via books or via Brandons definition of each surge.


    Using this theory I’ve created a powers list for yet to be revealed order.


    Order of Skybreakers (Specialty: Divison    Basic: Gravitation)

    1. The 1st Division Power is Destruction-My guess is that this is the power to create miniature earthquakes hence the name skyBREAKERS.

    2. The 2nd Division Power is Decay-I suspect it is the power to cause living things to decay on contact.

    3. The Gravitational power is Basic-Lashing.


    Order of Dustbringers (Specialty: Abrasion , Basic: Division )

    1. The 1st Abrasion Power is Slicking-we saw Lift demonstrate this one.

    2. The 2nd Abrasion Power is likely  related to Burning- Dustbringers manipulate friction to produce burning heat

    3. The Division Power is Decay.


    Order of Truthwatchers  (Specialty: Illumination, Basic: Progression)

    1. The 1st Illumination Power is most likely related to Seeing-Lightweavers are able to manipulate waveforms so that they can see things-even the Future.

    2. The 2nd Illumination power is most likely Lightweaving but my gut says its something else.

    3. The Progression power is Regrowth.


    Order of Lightweavers (Specialty: Transformation, Basic: Illumination )

                    1. The  Illumination Power is Lightweaving

                    2. The 1st Transformation Power is Soulcasting

                    3. The 2nd Transformation power is unknown but I suspect It involves transforming ones essence into one of the                   essences-Ill call it Selfcasting


    Order of Elsecallers  (Specialty: Transportation ,Basic: Transformation )

    1. The 1st Transportation Power is Realmatic transition also known as Elsecalling

    2. The 2nd Transportation Power is Motion-My guess is that its will be some form of Telekinesis

    3.  The Transformation power is Soul-Casting



    Order of Willshapers (Specialty: Cohesion , Basic: Transportation )

    1. The Transportation Power is Elsecalling
    2. The 1st Cohesion Power is likely what I call Shaping.-the power to Harden, Soften , increase Elasticity of objects by manipulating molecular bonds
    3. The 2nd Cohesion Power is likely what I call Bubble- the power to Slow down, accelerate and Freeze objects by manipulating molecular speeds


    Order of Stonewards  (Specialty:Tension, Basic:Cohesion)

    1, The 1st Tension Power is unknown and I have no guesses. Dont quite understand Tension

    2. The 2nd Tension Power is equally unknown

    3. The Cohesion Power is likely what I call Bubble


    Order of Bondsmiths (Specialty: Adhesion ,Basic: Tension )

    1.  The 1st Adhesion Power is Full Lashing

    2.  The 2nd Adhesion power is Unknown and I have no guesses

    3.  The Tension Power is Unknown and I have no guesses

  18. This is an interesting idea, but I'm inclined to doubt it. The fact that Series 2 features Braize doesn't necessarily mean that Odium wins--it could simply mean that we will see villain POVs set there, or perhaps some main characters will voluntarily journey there specifically to kill Odium. There are a vast number of possibilities that can be derived from that statement.


    And while I like the general concept of Radiants fighting an underground revolution against Rayse, in contrast to their previous out-in-the-open position, I think the fact that Brandon Sanderson has told that kind of story twice now makes this unlikely. Mistborn: The Final Empire and Steelheart were both about revolutionaries struggling against unstoppable tyrants, so I doubt that he will tread the same path for Stormlight 5-10.


    So far, the series has been progressing far more rapidly than I think anyone could have guessed (can't give details because this isn't the WoR board). I think the next few books will likely contain revelations that will take everyone by surprise and lay a completely unforeseen foundation for the second series. That won't stop us from doing our best to predict them though. :)

    Yeah you're right it doesnt  necessarily mean it will be set on Braize-jus thowing the theoryout there


    .And I actually see why a Radiant underground revolution could be a rehash of the conflict in Mistborn.


    BUT i think it could turn out differently-The Radiants fight on Braize would not be an Underground revolution-It would be a fight for survival on a hell-planet. Thats less V for Vendetta and more walking dead.It would be a Fight to escape Hell and return to their beloved Roshar.Odium would not be a dictator on Braize-rather hed be a sadistic joker who is using the entire planet to torture humanity.


    And yeah you are very right about the series progressing rapidly-Which is why I cldnt help wondering what was left for the 2nd series to deal with it.

  19. Okay heres my crazy  theory on what the future of Stormlight archive series will be like.


    randon has stated that Stormlight archive is actually made of 2 series.Each one made of 5 books.We are still in the 1st series but Brandons dropped some interesting hint about the 2nd series-Im just gonna focus on one.


    Brandon said that Braize will feature in the 2nd series of Stormlight.This makes me spin a rather crazy but awesome-if-true Theory.That the 2nd half of Stormlight will take place on Braize not Roshar.For this to happen,It means only one thing-Odium wins.


    Its not hard to see how this could happen

    Book 3-Voidbringers are awakening all over the world.Ends with Unmade being freed.

    Book 4-Unmade and Voidbringers on the loose causing havoc..Ends with Unmade freeing Odium from Braize(Honor is dead so cant stop them)

    Book 5-Unmade and Voidbringers and Odium .Ends with Humanity being dragged to Damanation (Braize).


    2nd series will therefore focus on the Humanitys fight on Roshar with the Braize of a newly trained army of Radiants.It will deal with their Fight for survival,their fight for freedom from Braize and fight to kill Odium.

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