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Posts posted by trendkill

  1. Hadn't seen that WoB before. Looks like I'm a little late to the game.

    This hint was in the second Cosmere story released. What other subtle clues have we missed? Now that we know more about things, it should be easier to find them. This particular one just happened to jump out at me tonight, especially since it was a Hoid chapter.

  2. I'm working on my latest reread of Mistborn, and something caught my eye. In TFE, the chapter 19 has this line, referring to Kwann:

    When we first met, he was studying one of his ridiculous interests in the great Khlenni library -- I believe he was trying to determine whether or not trees could think.

    This also happens to be the chapter where Kelsier meets Hoid. I'm sure that's a coincidence, but it makes you think.

    Does anyone else think that Kwann may have been learning about the Cognitive Realm? If so, it makes you wonder just how much Cosmere awareness Scadrial lost after the Ascension.

    What other small hints have people noticed before the in-your-face explanations in The Emperor's Soul and WoR?

  3. I'm not sure that I agree that we are all a stick. I mean, Shallan seems to have problems with who she is; if she were sure, then surely she would be a Stick. Because she is unsure, she constantly makes up new identities for herself to become, and NOT ONE of them is Stick.

    I think that only those who are truly sure and confident in who they are can be said to have mastered the teachings of Stick.

    Sadly, I am not Stick--yet.

    That is fine, Branch Kaellok. No one starts out as Stick. It is only through hardship, time, and stormy weather that any can become Stick.

  4. I work in a call center, so... Annoyancespren, frustrationspren, depressionspren, angerspren, murderousspren... I could probably think of others, but my phone's auto correct doesn't like adding spren to the end of words.

  5. so it is a bit unclear how that will interact with the power in their blades.


    Also, we know of at least one type of being that is able to change their appearance (granted, with some effort on their part).  It could be possible that somehow, he is unintentionally supressing his eye color, or having it supressed from the outside.


    I'm with you on not knowing enough to leap to saying that we know how and what would affect the Heralds.

  6. "X raised an eyebrow."


    Just started TFE again, made it to page two, and already, an obligator is doing this.  Why would you point this out to me?  I would have never noticed, but nooooo you pointed it out and now I'll notice it everywhere!!


    But really, the ones that you mentioned aren't that odd for a lot of characters to do.  A ton of people raise an eyebrow when something strikes their curiosity.  Almost everyone blushes when they get embarassed.  Snorting is a bit odd, I'll admit.  Same with the "Child" thing, but that's probably more of a cultural thing.  I wouldn't be surprised if it happened a lot in our own history, but just fell out of favor as our culture changed over the years.

  7. The way I learned was through the wiki, and then just reading through the topics here as they come up. The wiki will give you a base knowledge to work with, and the forums refer back to themselves enough that after a little while, you're pretty caught up on the important stuff. Also, if someone says something you don't get, go ahead and ask them about it. The people here are super nice and will help you figure it out.

  8. The main thing that has me disagree is that Brandon has said that he wants the Stormlight Archive to stand on its own as a series.  I'm not sure if that would be possible if some of the main figures in their history were from another story that he's written.  (Then again, with the appearance of Vasher and Nightblood, who knows...)


    Having said that, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they weren't from Roshar itself.  I think it's more likely that they'd be from one of the Shardworlds that we haven't seen than Nalthis, though.


    Other than those minor things, you really have put together a fairly solid theory.  I don't really have anything in-universe to use to criticize it.

  9. Plus, ruin was probably influencing him to make him more complacent, since ruin wanted vin to kill tlr.


    This seems like the biggest part of it right there.  If a god (or at least, closest thing there is to one anymore) wants you to die, there's a pretty large chance that you're going to die.  Unless you're a protagonist, of course.

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