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Posts posted by shallan88

  1. AHH I'm so excited! I was at the Philadelphia signing this evening and brought posters of my artwork. Brandon had me sign the one I gave him and told me he is interested in me doing cover art for his books! Tonight has been an amazing night :D 


    Thanks for everyone who has posted and helped me with these characters -- the comments have been so helpful!! 

  2. It's a beautiful pattern! I hope I'll be able to see the finished product at the signing :D I think the glyphs/symbols would make great accent pillows too...use a metallic thread in there to add some punch. I'm a sucker for pillows. 

  3. True, but doesn't that parallel Kaladin's struggle with ending Elhokar? He eventually realizes it's not his place to judge, but to protect -- Adolin just lost his cool. It all makes me think Nin is going to come after him. Something just doesn't feel right even though it might seem like Adolin was justified in his actions. 

  4. 0ZvfZlO.jpg

    Hi -- I started some new sketches. 


    On the left is Moash. I'm a bit stuck on his hair. Does anyone have any suggestions? 


    Middle is Rock, feel pretty solid on this one. 


    Right Sadeas. I wanted him to be overweight with a shadow of his former strength. 


    I've been stalling on Jasnah, but will get to her tonight along with Teft and Elhokar. 

    Opinions please, Thanks! 

  5. Thank you all very much for the input! 


    Navani was the first character i worked on. I felt that I had a fairly solid grasp of her personality and features. The hair though...I can see where that doesn't quite live up to the descriptions or may seem random. I chose to have some of it loose because of her devil may care attitude. She's free to do whatever the hell she wants. I can understand how I didn't push it enough/made it look too sloppy. 


    Kaladin felt right the whole time. He was a breeze to paint and came out exactly how I hoped. I'm glad he's been well received. 


    Shallan's choices were a bit personal. As someone with auburn red hair and fairly freckle-free I wanted to portray her in a way that slightly deviated from the ginger stereotype. That being said, I agree with all your comments that she doesn't quite fit the character -- other renditions capture her better.


    Adolin and Dalinar kinda fell in place just like Kaladin. I'll go back and add more black to Adolin's hair. In terms of the texture, I got the impression that it was effortlessly tousled and romantic. He embodies the strong, fresh youths of Greek mythology to me and some curl is necessary. Also, I'm happy you all find Dalinar successfully unattractive, he's my favorite. 


    I've actually been playing with the idea of Bridge Four and a few others. Definitely Rock, Teft, and Sadeas...maybe Lopen. Is there anyone you'd really like to see done? 

  6. Hi -- I'm new to 17th Shard and Cosmere in general really. I've read the Mistborn series, Way of KIngs, and am working through Words of Radiance at the moment. I'm a fantasy junkie and Brandon Sanderson has rocked my world recently. 


    Also, I'm an aspiring artist. I'll be intermittently posting work to the gallery and would love to hear any feedback you may have. It's important to me to have some insight from other fans!


    Thanks. I look forward to meeting you all and becoming more involved. 

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