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Posts posted by hoidshmoid

  1. I also think that the betraying the Oath Stone has real consequences.  In addition to the reasons mentioned above, I think that the fact that the Shinovar merchant said Szeth is Truthless and is therefore, absolutely worthless, means that Szeth actually holds immeasurable value.  Ha, I really hope that's it and not some mumbojumbo about Szeth having an honorspren when no spren are seen in Shinovar.

  2. Just finishing up another readthrough of WoK before WoR comes out.  Please poke holes in this theory as much as you want.


    The Honorblades and Shardblades are infused by Odium's power to help Honor fight the Desolations on Roshar.  In return for such a powerful weapon, Odium required that the Ten Heralds spend the time between Desolations in Damnation.  Odium knew that the Heralds would not be able to withstand Damnation over and over and would eventually give in, leaving mankind to fend for themselves.  In this way, he subverted Honor's influence over mankind as the Shardblades were ideal tools for spreading violence and hate after the Desolation. 


    A few pieces of possible support:

    1) Szeth calls his Shardblade a cursed weapon many times

    2) The way the Shardblade kills living beings with eyes shriveling up and smoking, its reminiscent of a hellish weapon

    3) Kal and Syl both dislike the blade for reasons they can and cannot explain.  Kal and Syl both being forces of Honor, it makes sense that they get this feeling.


    Honor never intended for the Shardblades to be used against humanity, but in his desperation he agreed to it.  Odium, on the other hand, knew that after the humans fought against the creatures of the Desolation, they would turn his weapons against each other and spread his hate. 

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