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Posts posted by Talo

  1. I am in the process of a pre-WoR re-read and had heard the rumors that Shallash is Baxil's mistress so when reading this time through, I kept an eye out in particular for any herald-spotting.


    I noticed that when Navani mentions Dalinar's wife's name, it comes out as Shshshsh.  This could just be the sound of the wind as Dalinar thinks, or it could be somehow a hint that his wife was Shallash.  Given the lifespan of the heralds, I assume they have become accomplished at faking their own deaths.


    If Baxil's mistress is Shallash and she is going around and destroying images of herself, then maybe there is some affinity between Heralds and the Nightwatcher and that is why knowledge of her was wiped from Dalinar's memory.


    This is a bit of a roundabout thought and likely goes beyond what the Nightwatcher is capable of, but maybe Shallash even went to the Nightwatcher and asked for her memory to be removed from Dalinar's mind - which lead to Renarin's blood weakness and Dalinar going west and asking for him to be cured (if that was indeed his boon).


    It would also lead Adolin and Renarin to have herald-blood, if that ends up having any significance.


    Just a thought that occurred while I was reading, curious to see if anyone thought the same or similar.



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