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Posts posted by echaozh

  1. Heralds all have their Honorblades and spendid power, but when they die, they go to Damnation and be tortured. We think they're tortured because it's part of the Oathpact, but could it be that they were tortured before the Oathpact? Say the torturing was the bane for the boon of Honorblades?

    It's easy to think Honor handpicked the Heralds and gave them swords and power, as the swords are called Honorblades. But what if they're called Honorblades only because Honor made them? It could be forged by Honor and then given to the Heralds by Heralds by Nightwatcher as a boon. Say, they asked for power to fight a demon coming to their world. The Nightwatcher then gave them power and weapons to fight, but also made them tortured after they were killed.

    Then when Honor and Cultivation wanted to trap Odium to Roshar, they thought of those souls tortured in Damnation, and gave them another chance to be alive and fight again. And the oath for the pact was not that they should be tortured, but that they should fight and win.

    After some more thoughts, I think it will be very unwise to let your enemy torture your champions. What if he tried to tempt them and convert them to his side? Torturing them is not the best thing to do when you have your enemy's champions, even if you hate them so much. You should try to treat them and talk sense (or betrayal) into them. The torturing should be from the champions' side, and it is very realistic, as champions are so often deserted by the crowd and the crown if they live long enough.

    Now, if it was Cultivation or Honor torturing the Heralds on Damnation, Damnation may not belong to Odium after all. There was a Tranquilline Hall, a Damnation, and roshar in the star system. The Listeners were the natives of Roshar and was the original worshipper of Honor. Humans were the natives of the Tranquilline Hall and brought Odium over. So Damnation belongs to Cultivation from the beginning! Cultivation may have been a mad scientist and say caused some greenhouse effect like disasters to happen and made her world Damnation. People hated her so much and Odium was attracted by the hatred into the star system. He got onto the only planet without a shard and later went with the humans there to Roshar, which had its own climate problems (the high storms).

  2. We know several dead shards now, mostly killed by the joint effort of Odium and Autonomy: Devotion, Dominion, Honor and Ambition. Now, I think they're all pro unshattering of the Aldonasium by their intent.

    Ambition: it is a proper ambition for a shard to want to be the whole, and the only whole Adonalsium. For a shard, he is almost at the top of the hierarchy of sentient beings. If he can have any real ambition to go up, it should be to be the only one at the top.

    Dominion: being at the top he can dominate his now peers.

    Devotion: well, it requires devotion to sacrifice your shardity to make a whole Adonalsium.

    Honor: he was all about uniting the others when he was talking to Dalinar. Strictly speaking, we don't know who he wanted Dalinar to unite, the Rosharians, or the other shards.

    In my opinion, it is very cultivating to grow a new Adonalsium from 1 or a few more shards. I think before Odium killed Honor, and the other dead shards, Honor was working with Cultivation to try to grow back Adonlsium, probably from Honor himself, without shardic investiture from other shards. The other dead shards may have helped, but in other ways. Odium and Autonomy don't want a whole Aldolnasium, understandably, so they killed Honor, and other shards who was sympathetic to the effort.

    Endowment should not care much about the growing back, but she will definitely give help if asked.

    Ruin will definitely not help, and may work with Odium to do damage if he had the time. Preservation should want to preserve the current situation, which is a shattered Adolnasium. But Harmony, though, may want a whole Adonalsium, as his intent is different from Ruin and Preservation both. So after he was in power for some time, an attack from another world began.

  3. 9 hours ago, Govir said:

    While I agree with you, remember that when Venli says "a long time", that is 6 years after the assassination. The other thing to consider is who actually guided them to Szeth? Why would Ulim (who wants the "gods" to return) guide them to Szeth (who ultimately delayed the return)? The only reason I could think of is if Ulim and company thought that Szeth could be used to hasten the return, but the plan didn't work as they thought it would. But we haven't seen any hints of that.

    The Parshendi were lead to Szeth because it would give them a war against the humans. What did the Fused want? To war against the humans and destroy them all. Also a war will make the Parshendi search for more power to survive, which will force them to bring back the old gods. It makes perfect sense.

  4. I think you actually got it wrong. It's not Hoid hating Bavadin because she restricts traveling in and out of Taldain. I think it's Bavadin restricting traveling because she and Hoid hates each other! Look at Obrodai, it will be another place Hoid will not be able to easily access!

  5. Why was Hoid named the Bearer of the First Gem? What is the First Gem? Is it part of the weapon they used to shatter Adonalsium? Perhaps they captured investitures of Adolnasium with, say 16 gems, and Hoid actually held the first, being the first to go near the omnipotent being to give the first strike?

  6. Weren't the humans driven out of the tranquilline hall? Who drove them out? The people left on Ashyn? Did they come from elsewhere, go to Ashyn, drive the natives out to Roshar, and built the floating cities there? Or did some people on Ashyn drive the others out to Roshar, because they were destroying the ecosystem with their evil magic? Which side was Odium on, the driving side, or the driven side?

  7. 12 hours ago, Ookla the Indefatigable said:

    False. It's because the island the perpendicularity is on is a death trap.

    Taldain is hard to access because Autonomy wants to isolate.

    I can't see this as a valid argument - you could very well argue that Selish perpendicularities are almost lethaly dangerous to access, so it has similarities to the one on the First of the Sun. Or that Threnody is harder to access due to unpredictable, unstable perpendicularities.

    The Sel and Threnody cases are not caused by the owners of the perpendicularities. They're hard to access because the owners of the perpendicularities are splintered. The FotS and Taldain cases are in a different group: they're hard to access because the owners of the perpendicualrities there don't want people to access the worlds. We know there're death traps on the island the Patji lake is on. We don't know why Taldain is hard to access, perhaps there are also death traps near the perpendicularity. We definitely know Bavadin didn't splinter herself to make the perpendicularity unstable. Patji set up a trap near his perpendicularity and call it a test. It's not hard to see the similarity to the isolation policy of Bavabin. Speaking of tests, the Sand Masters were tested before they can level up. Few other cultures we know in the Cosmere have such dangerous tests. It looks like Autonomy love testing people to see if they can live on their own under extreme conditions, and it fits its Intent.

  8. On 12/10/2017 at 10:41 PM, Ookla the Obtuse said:

    Everything that happened on Scadrial could have been avoided if Leras had a pet Larkin. Well of Ascension? Drained. Deepness? Defeated. Now we just have to import some Alethi to defeat this greatshell that's grown to the size of a mountain.

    And the Cognitive Realm on Sel can be cleared for easy access from other worlds. Only the greatshell the Alethi needing to deal with is now the size of a planet.

  9. 1. The whole Pantheon on the First of the Sun is made up different personas of Autonomy, and it fits the WOB;

    2. The shardpool of Patji is dangerous for worldhoppers because it's Autonomy's shardpool, who doesn't want foreign intervention. Taldain's hard to access as well;

    3. The "We" here does not stand for all the personas of Bavadin, just the Pantheon on the First of the Sun. It is a Pantheon, so the "We", not an "I";

    4. The past relationship Bavadin mentioned may very well be the cooperation to shatter the Adonalsium. They may not have got along with each other, they did work together to do something big, presumably to save the world. And now Hoid wanted to ask for help to save the world again.


  10. How can you imitate a shardblade with simple breaths? Knights Radiant were referred to as gods by the listeners, and the Heralds were considered gods by the humans. Shardblades must have been divine in the eyes of the Rosharians, and you cannot awaken a divine sword with ordinary breath. They must have used Shashara's divine breath to awaken Nightblood and killed her in the process. The divine breath counts as 1 but is so much more invested.

  11. I don't think Odium is very crafty. Ruin is crafty, which matches the intent. Ruining can be slow, like water on stone. Odium is all impulsive. He even went to the battleground in person. And his way of converting Dalinar is far from subtle. He is basically repetitively saying "Give me your passion and be my guy" and hoping Dalinar will be hypnotized. I think Hoid was exaggerating his danger.

  12. What if the highstorm is not the perpendicularity, but the clouds are? When Taln comes back, he is dropped from the sky. Azure said there are other ways to get back to the PR, but that way is too dangerous and she was not willing to try. Perhaps that way is dangerous to people not able to fly, because they will drop from the sky.

    Or the perpendicularity can be on the blue moon. Which moves, and is in the sky. And the moon-queen switching story.

  13. I have a very simple theory on acquiring/becoming squires as/to a Knight Radiant:

    1. You need Connection between the Knight and the squire,

    2. Windrunners have more squires than other orders because they have spiritual Adhesion, which works differently than that of the Bondsmiths.

    The Windrunners may use spiritual Adhesion to acquire squires in 2 ways:

    1. Making it easier for people to Connect to him, appearing more inspiring in their eyes,

    2. Becoming a lashing point, when people stop resisting his Connection, it will be very easy for them to be stuck to his spiritual web and acquire the ability to use Stormlight. Per Skar's teaching, Kal's squires should not try too hard, but let it happen. It sounds like the power is there like a pool of tar, but you by instinct will try to escape, which takes you farther from it. Stop trying and you get stuck.

  14. We already know that there are at least 4 types of cognitive shadows that are left behind by human-level creatures:

    1. Shades on Threnody,

    2. Fused souls,

    3. Svrakiss,

    4. Kelsier.

    Now, the description of Svrakiss from Coppermind:


    The Svrakiss are the souls of men barred from entrance into heaven for hating Jaddeth in life,[1] and so are condemned to wander Sel, bitterly cursing their fate and preying on the living.[2] The Derethi believe that they had the ability to take over the bodies of living men and control their actions.[1]

    sounds quite familiar after reading Oathbringer. They both hate, they don't go to the Beyond, they curse a lot, and they prey on the living. People have speculated if Svrakiss are what's behind the Set's Faceless Immortals, and now we have another option which is almost identical.

    Knowing that they are both from planets which Odium set foot upon makes me ponder. Also, Threnody was associated with Ambition, who was also splintered by, well, Odium. Below is the description of the Evil:


    the Evil consumed the entire continent of mankind, according to legend it feasted on the souls of the humans that lived there.

    Odium feasted on the guilt of the humans, which is what keeps most people on the right track, making right choices, doing right things. With Odium to blame for any crime passionnel, a man can be considered soulless, and the rest of the humankind did the right thing to flee them.

    My theory is, all these 3 types of cognitive shadows are created by Odium. He may not have invested on Sel to keep the Svrakiss from going to the Beyond, but there is enough investiture in the Cognitive Realm to do it. Odium may have used the investiture he tore from Ambition to create the shades. And we know about the Fused already.

    Odium is like a master Necromancer, leaving behind an army of undead everywhere he goes. And he will not hesitate to use the army when there's the chance. And that's perhaps what Hoid is working against, to release the cognitive shadows? After all, they're basically the only people he can beat and hurt without breaking his oaths. And he even danced with some of them, and he may have wished them a peaceful rest.

  15. The Dysian Aimian separating into cremlings and then regrouping into humanoid, is definitely magical, right? What's the magical system? Cultivation's? How did they come to this? Cremling is local to Roshar, so this ability was acquired on Roshar, unless they can do with any local insect-like animals.

    The back cover of OB reads: "We may soon hold surges again, for Radiance has returned to some and shines toward others." Why do they hold surges only when there are human KRs? How can they produce soulcasters? What's the relationship between them and the spren?

    Also the moon story, Blue people born by a queen going to the skying and getting pregnant by a blue moon. If the Aimian are not the queen's descendants, then they must have been the moon. They were considered gods by the humans.

    My guess would be that the Aimian may have been slivers of Honor, and they now have some remaining splinter of Honor's power hidden. Cultivation may be helping them guarding the splinter, and that's why she doesn't want to be too involved in the recent struggles with Odium, in order not to expose the location.

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