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Posts posted by Jaximus

  1. I was actually referring to how chalklings themselves all move forward in real time. If you only have one it works by drawing a dotted line as it follows instructions, but this doesn't work as well if you have a lot of them and are shooting lines of vigor on the side. Likewise, defensively bound chalklings are a tad difficult to work with, though usually we just assume they act as a zombieAI, heading for the first thing to enter their range.


    Did a few practice rounds, though mostly it devolved into both of us using the Osborn Defense and spamming lines of revocation and vigor until somebody couldn't block quickly enough.


    Well if the whole match was lines of vigor and revocation then you probably misread the amount of damage I said they did. I purposefully made them do very little damage to encourage using chalklings. As for the defensive chalklings I assumed people would act like they were 

    zombie ai I will have to add a clarification for that. And finally you said you wanted to use lines of vigor while directing chalklings. I didn't put this in the rules (I need to) when I play it with my friends we use a pen in each hand non dominant for lines of vigor and the dominant for chalklings. This isn't required and its difficult but it was the only way we could think of so that your opponent would be able to see what he needs to defend against. I don't think I'm being clear here, I made it so that you had to draw your lines of vigor and the dotted lines for chalklings so that both players could see what was happening and didn't have to keep everything in their head. Also on a side note I added this recently, it is now possible to give a group of chalklings the same directions and draw one dotted line for all of them. 

  2. Actually looks pretty fun. I've personally been working on a computer program to do the same thing, but while that's waiting I can always play this on my big whiteboard. Nice work.


    EDIT: Still a little unclear on how each chalkling moves together and how the lines of vigor work in real time. Is it more turn based, or is there some way to get it all together?

    could you tell me which # is unclear?


    The game is ment to be played in real time


    to instruct chalklings essentially you do it exactly how the instruct them in the book. Right next to the chalkling you draw the symbols for forward right left etc, and how many seconds you want it to do each one. Example ↑8 (forward for 8 seconds) → (turn right 90 degrees)  ↑2 (forward another 2 seconds) X (attack).


    I think i explained this in the rules. But for a line of vigor to reach its target you need to draw it the entire way from where it starts to the target. 


    Edit: I added a clarification for chalkling directions see rule #42

  3. Well that's what I think. It's to complicated for a

    Mobile game and let's face it it just wouldn't be nearly as cool on a computer or console. So why not a board game? Well I created rules for a incredibly fast paced high stress rts style board game where all you need is a friend, pens and paper or a dry erase board if you want.

    Check it out and give me suggestions keep in mind I created this with two friends in 1 day so I am looking for anything that will make the game better.


    I currently only have a guide out for people who have read the book but I am working on a more in depth one for those who have not.

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