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Posts posted by Topaz52

  1. 2 hours ago, RAFOmancer said:

    Like,I knew Shallan liked Kaladin,but I honestly didn't expect her to marry him.....After she married Adolin.

    ikr i didn’t think she had it in her. but honestly the worst part is that it means there’s no chance of reconciliation between kaladin and jasnah. i mean girl literally turned down odium for him and yet they’re not end game?!

  2. my understanding of connection and identity is a little fuzzy, so im not 100% sure about my logic but:

    we know that Returned can change their appearance, however that might have more to do with them being cognitive shadows and Intent than Connection

    i don’t remember if whether or not it was stated if a person could change their appearance through soulstamping, but because we know you can change an object’s appearance, i don’t see why not a person’s

    so im not sure if messing with Connection regarding where you were born etc WILL change your appearance, but i think if you’re skilled enough it’s possible to use Connection that way

  3. because im obsessed and cant choose just one, some of my favorite moments would have to be:

    - elend’s atium misting army

    - sazed ascending and becoming harmony

    - dalinar’s whole ‘i am unity’ moment

    - just navani and raboniel’s whole frenemy thing in general was so tragic and sweet

    - our boy kaladin swearing the 4th ideal

  4. in terms of morality i could have a whole discussion full of ‘well it depends on the circumstance,’ so ethics aside, ima say hemalurgy is super cool and im excited to see if it will play a role in era 3

  5. hmm favorite book…i would have to say hero of ages, the way of kings, or rhythm of war. with dalinar being my favorite stormlight character, however, i loved the evi history in oathbringer

  6. soo about a year and a half ago, my friend gave me mistborn as a birthday present. i read the final empire, loved it…and completely forgot about it until the end of this past summer. since then ive read every cosmere book and short story with the exception of white sand. taldain seems so interesting and obviously i want to learn more about khriss, but im not a huge fan of graphic novels, so we’ll see how that goes.

    non-cosmere wise, ive only read reckoners and am planning to read skyward this summer

    17th shard and the coppermind have been invaluable resources haha and yesterday i joined the backerkit campaign (yay secret project #5😆😆) so i figured id officially join the community

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