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Posts posted by TheChronicFeruchemist

  1. Corrupted Herald Glyphs! Here's a theory! All the Heralds have an evil version, and the normal one.

    Actually the person who gave me the files has those glyphs named them the shadesmar glyphs. I think it is much more likely that they represent the spren. So the garnet one represents the cryptics, the sapphire are honor spren.

  2. I call the voidbringer glyphs by their gemstone counterpart, so yes. (I call the lightweaver ones by the order they belong to.) I used Streaching in illustrator. In some of them I've deleted parts of the voidbringer glyphs to make it more clear how they all matched up.

  3. So I was looking at the glyph for the Herald Shalash and I realized that the blade of the "sword" Looks an awful lot like a warped version of the unnamed garnet glyph. So I tested my theory out.


    And low and behold it seemed to work. So I decided to test it out with the other herald sword glyphs.


    Some needed to be warped a little more than others, but the pattern seems to hold true. I'm hoping to be able to figure out how to do a time lapse video of me editing the knights radiant glyphs and unnamed glyphs so they line up correctly with the herald glyphs.

  4. My undesirable specialty is doing everything slowly. My "superhero" name would probably be "The Snail" or "The Tortoise" or something. My detailed description of this "specialty" is lengthy enough that I got a bit embarrassed by it, so I'll just put it a Spoilers tab.

    • I talk slowly. Trying to talk even at a speed that is normal for most people would make the simplest of sentences feel like a tongue twister for me. This is why I prefer communicating via the Internet.
    • I'm a slow reader most of the time. I blame my abysmal memory for this. I'd often forget some important detail from a previous paragraph or something, forcing me to go back and re-read it before continuing. This is true even when reading instructions (e.g. recipes, technical specifications, etc.). And when I'm under pressure to read things quickly, I read even more slowly. The only time I seem to read fast is when I'm looking for a single, simple, specific thing in a reference material.
    • I constantly correct and edit myself when I'm writing, and this takes a long time. I'm like Cardinal Ximenez of Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition sketch except in written form. This leads to me spending hours just working on a two page essay, for example. (This post has already taken 30 minutes to write, and I'm not done yet!)
    • When dining with other people, I'm usually the last person to finish eating. People say it's because I chew my food for too long. I guess I'm just not comfortable with swallowing anything if I feel I haven't chewed it enough (with the exception of pills, of course).
    • I can't go down stairs quickly. I always need to go one step at a time, and only at a steady pace. I have no problems going up stairs, though.
    • Worst of all, I'm a slow thinker. I mean, I wouldn't really call myself stupid exactly, but it seems to me like I have to exert an inordinate amount of mental effort just to avoid making stupid mistakes. Sometimes I'd say the most embarrassingly idiotic things to people when I get a bit distracted or bored. Sometimes when people would ask me to solve a problem, my mind would go blank, but then later on I'd realize how easy the problem really was. It's like my mind just randomly chooses when to work and when not to work. It's all a bit depressing, really. :(

    Hey Skaa it is totally okay to be slow. Don't let other people tell you how to be, you are who you are and that is beautiful. *burns zinc* *riots Skaa's self confidence*

  5. post-574-0-82681300-1368805591_thumb.jpg


    This be my bookcase. It is kind of messy. But it is mine, and I'm not sure what is going to happen to it when I move this summer. I'm hoping it will fit. We shall find out today.


    (Also please pardon my girly books. Sometimes I just need to read some drama that isn't my own.)
  6. Aww, I have the same complex. But I quite like it, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I mentioned earlier how I'd like to take vin as a little sister.

    On the other hand I've never met a really broken girl, just some girls who were a bit on the sad side. Not sure how it would turn out with the real stuff.


    Speaking as a broken girl myself it takes a lot more than somebody's protection to help. A lot of times the demons are inside you, or they are words and actions from other people that you can't stop from happening. And sometimes your protection can hurt us, sometimes it can hurt you, and others it hurts both of us. I'm not sure what my point is with this, other than to put my thoughts down.

  7. This is awsome sauce. I love the extended editions, (I think that my parents and I should have known I wanted to go into special effects when I demanded the extended editions for all the extra footage.)


    My bookshelf at college is sadly lacking (there are ten books on it tops.) and dominated by my alter.

  8. Yeah, she is one of those that would heavily rage if you broke it off.  She is not one that would accept the "it's not you, it's me" phrase.  I think she would be really difficult to have as a girlfriend in general.  She disappears, is very guarded, and has a load of baggage that I am not sure I would be prepared to deal with.  

     I think that is what I like about Vin, she is broken, she does have her issues. Elend affections don't magially make her healed. It Kel and the crew that help her through her reservations and her issues. It is through the patience and kindness of a pseudo family that she is able to learn to trust and love.


    I'm glad that you recognize that eventhough Vin is awesome sauce, you as a person couldn't deal with that. It is an incredibly mature and rare view in this world. And I think that Brandon did a really good job of writing a character who had suffered horrific abuses, and had a warped view of the world from them, but was able to over come them with time and help from friends and later on a significant other.


    I think that another really good example of this is Kaladin. He has honor, he is a good man, but he deffinately has his issues. And he needs to deal with them before he has a healthy relationship with anyone. Which is almost even better than Vin's situation because so often it is the guy trying to save the girl from herself, which is where Vin's story could have gone, but now we have the other part of a guy suffering from mental health issues trying to over come them.


    Sorry to get so serious, but I just need to gush about realistic portrails of mental health issues and relationships for a minuet. =P

  9. Hiya. I'm curious to see if there are any other chronically ill Sanderson fans because I want to compare being chronically ill to being a feruchemist who randomly starts tapping and storing metals, and joke about it of course. But I don't think my fellow spoonie(chronically ill) friends would get it, and I'm not sure that the general fandom would get it.


    Plus meeting other spoonies is always nice.


    I hope I'm putting this in the right spot, I didn't want to put it in general Sanderson stuff because its kind of a weird question.

  10. The safehand sleeve in the dresses that Shallan and Jasnah wear is very much like the sleeve of a kimono, with the accompanying pocket space in the corner.


    Safehands should be completely enclosed, but a slit is cut into the end of the sleeve so that you can get in there with your other hand, or extend the safehand if needed. Button it up for security. My solution was generally to make the left sleeve about a hand's-length longer than the right sleeve, with buttons to close up the opening.


    Create other options! As a concept guy I know just enough about clothing to get into trouble, practical details and accurate seamery are not my forte. The original concepts were based on Brandon's descriptions, then modified as we moved ahead, what he describes in the text of the book is pretty close to what we came up with, but I can't swear that translates straight into wearable clothing without some creative interpretation.


    The buttons along the sides of the torso run along the same seams that you would have to allow the dress to hug the body, so from the throat down along the outside of the breast to the waist. At that point, I had stopped the seam with a little ornamental embroidery. The skirts are split into six or eight panels, and beneath them are interwoven sheets of lighter fabric.


    I wish I could just show the artwork but it remains in sequester until a future date. Sorry 'bout that, but I'll see what I can do about providing another option in the near future.

    Thank you so much, this is awesome. I'm a theatrical costumer so if you have any questions on making things wearable you can ask.


    interesting about the kimono sleeves. I kind of want to make a mock up of that to see how it would move, usually the kimono sleeve is open in the back, and I'm assuming that for modisties sake they would not leave that open.


    I've got one going that is simular but a little more simple and girlish for my thing with Syl. I'll post it in a link here if people want.


    As for making it wearable if anybody who wants to cosplay it I'm totally willing to help. :D

  11. I also can't wait to see this. I have some of the dumbest ideas in my head about what the sleeve looks like. At first I pictured it as just a long shirt sleeve that went out too long and was folded shut. :huh:

    I always had the big sleeves in my head. Though I wont be using them in my Syl picture. Syl is neither described with or with out a safe hand(thus far in my re-read.), and since her dress is described as girlish and I have it in my head they don't start the whole safe hand thing until puberity. Though if anybody else knows otherwise I'd love to know. :blink:

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