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Posts posted by T-mo

  1. From what I gathered the machine maybe could have been just mechanical at the start, with the added functionality of sucking and crunching spectating spirits/souls/investiture for perpetually usable energy after the initial start-up? There were enough people around in the ancient civilization (there is a mention of thousands potential nightmares inside the shroud), assuming that each held an equivalent of around 1 Breath's worth of investiture.

    Obviously not sure, just what I was thinking. At the grand battle, Hoid mentions almost as an aside that the machine had gained some awareness via acting as a nexus for so much investiture. But I took that to mean that it wasn't fully awakened, but mostly mechanical, like a robot. Although that might contradict somewhat with the high-functioning AI-nature with which it was commandeering the scholars and other nightmares.

  2. It would probably have to be TWOK. It was the first book from Brandon that I read, and delving into his world-building for the first time was such a special experience, after a long hiatus of not having read any fiction in ages.

    Aside from that experience that had a lot to do with coming to everything completely fresh, I would say that I've most enjoyed the short stories: Emperor's Soul, Warbreaker, and now (recency bias notwithstanding) SP#3 are all pretty high up there.

  3. Hello everyone, another new one here!

    Been caught-up to Cosmere stuff for a bit over a year at this point, and been binging the 17th Shard podcast backlogs ever since amongst wiki scrolling and other book series.

    Today after finishing Secret Project #3 I was desperate to find out what other people thought about it, and was glad to remember this place's existence. Harkening back to better days when Internet was a myriad of topic-dedicated forums filled with discussion, I figured I'd make an account, since this one seems to still be quite alive and kicking.

    So yeah, thanks to everyone running this place and to everyone being active here, this seems like a very nice corner of the webs to sit back in. Hope to browsing more often.

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