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Lightspen of the Glass Sea

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Posts posted by Lightspen of the Glass Sea

  1. I am planning a party, and I would like to employ a murder mystery game. I have played several that I have found online in the past, but this time, I want to try a murder mystery party set in the cosmere and I could not find one online. 

    When I say murder mystery party, I mean a group of people gathers and are each given a character to role play that plays a part in the mystery. The players go into the party with a knowledge of their character’s history, relationships, and secrets, as well as a list of goals to accomplish during the night. These goals may be vital to the story or completely tangential. For example, some goals may be: exchanging stories of adventure with friends, hounding an acquaintance about unpaid debts, or uncovering a suspected affair. Through interaction, examination, and deduction, the players will solve the mystery over the course of the night. 

    I would write such a cosmere murder mystery myself, yet it wouldn’t be ideal to know the end result as a player. And so:

    Is there anyone interested in writing murder mystery party (or changing around the details in an existing game to make it set in the cosmere) for me and my friends to play? I would also write a game for you and your friends to play in exchange. That way, we could both have a cosmere-themed party that was still a mystery for us.

    I would want a game with room for 12-15 players. Mature topics could be alluded to, but preferably nothing too graphic. I would want to have it ready by June 15th, but if that’s not possbile it would be great to have a cosmere murder mystery in my back pocket for later anyways. Thank you to anyone who read this far, even if this project isn’t for you!

  2. A family friend recommended Mistborn to my dad. He started reading it and thought I would like it. I started the prologue, bounced off, and came back a while later. It happened to be the summer of 2020, so I managed to do nothing but eat, sleep, and read Mistborn for several days. I loved it.
    When I decided to start reading The Way of Kings, my dad warned me that he’d heard it was a big commitment.  I gave him a look that meant “do not underestimate my powers of binge reading” and henceforth read through Brandon’s entire body of work. 
    It has been my mission since to convert all who will listen to the ways of the Cosmere. By my last count, I’ve gotten at least seven other people hooked via my magic powers of Persistent Bugging.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

    Whether or not Hoid has a Dawnshard as of SA4, it's safe to assume that as of SP4, Hoid does hold a Dawnshard. Sigzil mentions that if he's captured, it will lead the Night Brigade to Hoid.

    That does seem to imply that Sigzil gave the dawnshard to Hoid. Hoid may have given it up since, to keep the trail long and stay a few steps ahead of the Night Brigade, but I do think he held it again at least temporarily.

  4. I've always thought Survive could be a dawnshard. This would make sense to be the one Hoid and Sig held.

    Kelsier mentions during secret history that he heard a voice telling him to Survive when he was in the pits, in a way that reminded me of the voice telling Dalinar to Unite Them.

    This got me thinking: What if dawnshards can speak to people through the spiritual realm when they need to be nudged in the direction of the dawnshard's intent? What if there are dawnshards whose intent aligns with Survive and Unite?

    Just an interesting thought that I'd be interested to see what others think of.

  5. I'm very interested to see the origin story of the first Lodestar Zellion. How did he come to worship Adonalsium, and why did he go to Threnody, convert a group of people, and lead them to Canticle? He must have had some very interesting reasoning.

  6. I saw a WoB somewhere that Brandon Sanderson thought that Pewter was an alloy of Silver for a while, and in the original draft of Mistborn, silver enhanced senses instead of tin. He realized his error and replaced silver with tin, but the effect was that silver didn't have an allomantic effect, which he didn't intend. I kind of agree with him that Silvereye sounds cooler than Tineye.

  7. Hmm...

    1)      would like to be friends with most - Navani, if we were closer in age. We'd have a lot in common. We could nerd together. Or Adolin.

    2)      feel is most believable in terms of motivation - I want to put Wayne but he's not from stormlight... Eshonai, maybe? 

    3)      enjoy reading about most - Navani, hands down. She's the best. And besides, the wannabe architect in me is most interested by her fabrials. (again, I want to put wayne too)

    4)      find most confusing/intriguing - Hoid, duh. (wayne)

    5)      find makes you laugh the most - Maybe Hoid. (wayne)

    6)      would like to punch in the face - Gavilar and Moash. Preferably multiple times each. (wayne)

    7)      personally relate to most - Definitely Adolin. I'm always trying to cheer up my friends and try to get them to realize how amazing they are. (wayne)

    8)      feel is emotionally most realistic - ...wayne? I guess Navani.

    9)      shamelessly crush on the hardest - I don't know, maybe Adolin? seems cliche but he's just so nice. Or Veil. Despite me most likely hating her if I ever met her in real life.

    10)    is most like someone you know IRL - wayne. I give up. 

  8. On 1/2/2023 at 0:41 PM, Karger said:

    I've put some more thought into it and I actually came up with a new theory.  I think the spores at the bottom are crushed to death by those at the top.  Some are also destroyed by lack of water (they don't get much down there) and other nutrients while still others are seared to ash by volcanic activity.  When a plant (or in this case fungus) dies under such circumstances it will release light gases like methane.  Methane will then bubble to the surface.  The only effect on climate that I can see is a high potential for some acid rain along with a higher temperature (methane is a greenhouse gas) but the right ecology could counter both of those effects.

    This makes sense. The spores have to go somewhere, as they are always being added at the lunagrees. I was wondering why the oceans weren’t rising as an effect.

    This doesn’t explain why the seethe stops, though. But I don’t think we have enough information on Lumar to theorize on that yet.

  9. 1. I think everyone’s right about it being salt. Makes the most sense.

    2. Ann was saying that she liked the scent of zephyr spores. The fact that spore guns release a scent and an explosion suggest that they create a gas, which is probably what is seen rising from Crow’s gun.

    3. I think it was. I think it was also, somehow, foreshadowing that 


    The tower would turn out to be a rocket.

    Brandon Sanderson is one of a kind.

  10. I noticed a lack of punctuation at the end of paragraph 10 of chapter 41: 


    Even two preachers from the same moonschool would disagree

    I read this on kindle, so I don't know what page it is.

    This is on the EPUB version. I don't know about the others.

    Edit: I found another! Ironically, there are too many periods this time. 
    (Chapter 44, paragraph 7 of EPUB)


    They were personal, yet somehow abstract at the same time..


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