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Posts posted by lunaf

  1. On 10/8/2022 at 8:55 PM, Shallan Stormblessed said:

    I might join, although I'm not really a roleplay person(although I joined my first on the Shard a while back and am having fun).

    I haven't truly RP-ed in years! I first started almost 20 years ago when I was 12 on a no longer existent Harry Potter forum lol I mostly enjoy the story building and collaborating portion of it because of how magical the story can become within a universe I already love. I was a little intimidated when I saw the amount of replies to some of these other RP's and by the last replied date, but I wanted to shoot my shot anyways haha. It's okay if it doesn't pan out, I was just eager! 

  2. Hello! I'm new to the forums and I saw that there was a role playing section so I wanted to see if there was anyone available to rp with me for Stormlight Archives! I don't really have a particular story in mind, so if there is a storyline for your canon or oc characters that you'd like to to try out, I am definitely open to suggestion! I have been rping for years and I do tend to feed off what is given to me in terms of length and literacy. I prefer moderately literate with 2-5 detailed paragraphs, but I have no problem writing more.

    I typically play female characters, both canon and oc. I have a few that will easily transition into the Cosmere. I do well with romance and emotional scenes, but I can do action as well.

    P.S.: If this isn't how you find RP's or isn't allowed, please let me know what to do differently! Thanks :)

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