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Tea Leaf

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Tea Leaf last won the day on April 18 2023

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  1. *Sigh* Here is more of my desmos stuffs https://www.desmos.com/calculator/sy24nsxnga

    It's a physics engine.

    Explication of 'Everything':


    image.png.9039379accbc93fcaacf25a71cb59bcf.png: Press the button to start. The 500 should remain above 10

    Physics Runner:


    This does the main stuff

    image.png.23655e7fe8a991255d4274ef6f12583f.png: Adjusts position based on change in time

    image.thumb.png.e42d0f632e64b47476cb9f79b8481092.png: This is magical, and beyond mortal comprehension

    image.png.b5bcd20d9a3f4d922c82b7be85f020bc.png: Does both of the above at the same time

    Main Rendering: 


    image.png.3eeb654a0dd4020e3987b5accbee79d3.png: Just basic graphing

    Bonus Functions will help if you want to see Velocity

    Derivate Stuffs: I'm kinda too lazy to explain this, it works though



    Gravity : Gravity

    F : Friction

    Slip : How much Friction is able to stop the Point, at 1 it does nothing, at 0 the point will never stop, don't stress about this, but if the point randomly stops lower this.

    Position & Velocity : As they are named, Velocity is backwards last I checked

    In Case of Emergency : ???

    Your Function : Your Function


    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    2. Tea Leaf

      Tea Leaf

      One note, if your computer has relatively low refresh rates replace the dt/500 at the top with a value like 1/25.

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