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Henry Wong 327

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Posts posted by Henry Wong 327

  1. 36 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

    I believe Tress is no longer considered in a spoiler period (you can tell because the forum for it is no longer in the spoiler section of the Shard's forum list). I don't know specific dates for spoiler periods though, you'll have to ask someone else.

    As for titles, it should be fine to post a title with spoilers if it's in the book's designated forum. For outside of that forum (like here in the fan works) I would tread lightly, and avoid spoilers, but it wouldn't necessarily be against the rules to mention a spoiler. Tress is no longer in a spoiler period, and so can be freely discussed outside its forums. For things still in the spoiler period, referring to spoilers outside of the designated forum would get you in trouble (currently that's Yumi and Sunlit Man). 

    Just generally be respectful and a glance at the spoiler zone here on the shard will tell you what books you can't talk about outside of their forums.

    Also, you can post images in the gallery if you'd like (it's an option when you create a new post) but having an art thread is cool too!

    I think the drawing is beautiful!

    Alright thanks.

    What's the pros and cons between posting to the gallery and posting here? Or should I just do both?

  2. I created this account back in July 2022, not long after I got into the Sanderson fandom, but I didn't end up using it at all since I found the subreddits and I already used Reddit a lot. But now I've left Reddit since a couple months ago they shut down the 3rd party app I used, so for a while I just followed stuff on Tumblr and Discord. I can't believe I completely forgot about this forum until now.

    Anyways I do some fanart and stuff, and I've made a couple animations. Not sure if I should post all my old stuff here or not.

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