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Posts posted by Amira

  1. What do you know, I decide to log on for the first time in forever and find this message, posted yesterday! I must be psychic!
    Yes, Truth, if you guys want to do a reading group reading my books, I'm still open to that. Just FYI, I write middle grade fantasy (aka my main characters are kids).
    NGL, I would be kinda surprised if this happened, but it would be cool 😅.

  2. On 1/2/2024 at 3:58 PM, Pineap-spider said:

    I love this Idea! I'll definitely be keeping up with this thread. Keep going!

    Ahh, thank you!!

    SA3, chapter 36, Dalinar's past: I don't like Evi so much. Okay, good, it turns out Dalinar spared that one kid. This makes way more sense, honestly. Killing the kid didn't feel like him.

    Chapter 37, Rock: Lopen cracked me up with his joke about skyeels being ugly and stupid and bridgemen being only one of those. Then he got stuck to the ground and switched to humor I didn't care for. The moment with Renarin and Rlain was great. I feel like we don't know much about either of them. They could both use more screen time and character development. It's really awesome that Hobber was healed. What about Dabbid? Why can't he be healed too? Then Rock's family arrives. As someone who came from a country where common words are often used as names, it's strange that Rock translates all their names instead of introducing himself as Lunamor, his wife as Tuaka, and so on. You guys wanna start calling me Statement?🤣
    Finally, there's that really interesting detail about Rock lying about him being a cook because that's the role of the third child. Hm...

  3. Chapter 11: Yay, finally he's talking to them! And... he isn't being very nice... 😅

    Chapter 12: People turn into batteries? And here I thought Yumi was the book that was inspired by The Matrix. Although, to be fair, this version reminds me more of Full Metal Alchemist than The Matrix.

    Chapter 13: Oh, I forgot to say - So it turns out Nomad used to be a Windrunner as part of Bridge Four, but this still doesn't answer what kind of spren Aux is and what type of surgebinder he is/should be via THAT bond.

    Chapters 14-15: Ah, I wondered when someone would confront Nomad about his conversations with Aux in Alethi.

  4. 23 hours ago, Treamayne said:

    thanks for this.

    You're welcome!

    12 hours ago, alder24 said:

    I love it! It would be really interesting to see it from the perspective of someone who hasn't finished SA yet. It already is!


    Chapter 6: Well, that answers that question (mostly). He was either a windrunner or a skybreaker. Also, I forgot to say, I listened to Brandon reading the sample chapters back when the kidstarter was running, and now that I've read a bunch of Stormlight, everything makes way more sense! Haha

    Chapter 7: Ah, finally he can understand their language. Can't wait for him to start speaking to them. Another thing I forgot to say: another reason I like this book more than Tress and Yumi is that Hoid isn't narrating it. I didn't like all his philosophical inserts.

    Chapters 8-9: Okay, WTF, is Nomad Sigzil??? Also, this story is really good.

    Chapter 10: Goodness, it really is him.


    On 11/30/2023 at 9:51 PM, Treamayne said:

    Please don't feel bad about your own reactions to that journey.

    Oh, I just know you all love these books so much, so I hate when I have to say negative things about them, haha.

    On 12/1/2023 at 11:57 AM, JohnnyKaizen said:

    This was a big chapter for a lot of reason, including all of your complaints. I wrote this three different ways and decided that I couldn't write it without being too spoiler-y. Your complaints are valid, and there are good reasons that you have them..and no..it wasn't written poorly. It was written on purpose.

    Okay, all of you are saying stuff kind of like this, so clearly I need to be patient and find out more as I read, but I have to say I'm skeptical. I can't imagine anything happening in the future that could make me feel like this chapter works the way it is.

    SA3, chapter 34, Dalinar: Yay, Dalinar finally managed to get through to one of the other leaders! I wonder if now he's gonna send visions to all the others, haha.

    As requested by some, here's a thread for my Sunlit Man reactions


  6. It's been a lot of fun doing a thread like this for Stormlight, so here's one for the Sunlit Man.

    Chapters 1-5:

    For those of you who don't know, I'm currently in the middle of Oathbringer, and from this perspective, I don't know who Nomad is (not sure if I'm supposed to know), nor how he bonded a dead spren (huh?). That being said, Dalinar has bonded the Stormfather, so I guess anything is possible?
    I already like this book more than Tress and Yumi, because it has a lot of action instead of romance; action is more my thing. I like Nomad as a character, I like how powerful he is, and I like how he has this Torment that won't let him use weapons or attack. Makes the story very interesting. It's a lot of fun to follow a character from Roshar. When I read Yumi, Design was my favorite character, and it was always fun when she would say "storms" or anything else familiar. So now I get even more of that! I wonder what kind of Surgebinder Nomad is, seeing as he bonded a spren and even has a Blade (even if he can't get it to take the form of a Blade most of the time). We haven't seen him do any sergebinding yet that I've noticed (through chapter 5). Maybe he can't surgebind because Aux is dead? many questions...
    The writing so far in this book has been fantastic. Um... that's all I can think of for now. Onto chapter 6!

  7. SA3, chapter 33, Shallan: Okay, if in the interlude I felt like things weren't clear and seemingly contradictory, then this chapter was way worse. I felt like it was written in a hurry and not edited properly. You all are welcome to disagree, but so much here didn't work for me. The idea that Shallan would continue to hide away in her room and think about the Midnight Mother instead of going right away to talk to Jasnah and get answers simply didn't convince me. Even when Shallan did finally ask Jasnah how she survived, I felt like the answer was too vague. When Shallan last saw her, she thought she was seeing a dead body. How did Jasnah go into Shadesmar in that condition? It also didn't seem realistic the way Jasnah just swooped in and tried to be in control of everyone and everything again. It seemed a bit childish of her, in fact. Even if you're the boss, if you've been out of the office for a while during an unfortunate time when your employees had to completely transform the business, you should at least start by asking them to fill you in. Does Shallan even want to continue being Jasnah's ward? She's a Knight Radiant now, so it's not like Jasnah is still her only ticket to belonging with the elite. Finally, why would Shallan ask Jasnah if she was sure it was the ghostbloods who tried to kill her? Shallan already knows it was them, sent by Tyn...

    Yeah, sorry I had so many complaints about this one.

  8. On 11/17/2023 at 10:22 PM, Treamayne said:

    You've started a trend, so now we have people doing similar read-blogs on Mistborn Eras 1 and 2 - which you can read and enjoy when/if you get to those stories again.

    OMG, this is so cool! I'm honored!

    On 11/17/2023 at 10:22 PM, Treamayne said:

    Interesting theory - any reason why? Any thougths on the Alethi Romance Novels?

    IDK, Taravangian just seems like one who's looking for info no one's seen before.
    I'm just glad I don't have to read those romance novels, haha.

    SA3, interlude 3, Venli: Gosh, living with only those nasty rhythms seems difficult, almost like you'd have to be some variation of angry all the time. Eshonai is dead? I thought she was kind of a main character. I feel a little confused about the whole listener gods and forms of power. The listeners worked so hard and sacrificed so much to stop their gods from returning, and then one day they just decided to call them back? Did Eshonai not know that discovering stormform would bring them back? Did Venli know?

  9. On 10/21/2023 at 6:41 PM, Treamayne said:

    Wow - congratulations on the job and the request!

    Thank you!

    On 10/25/2023 at 11:18 PM, Elder said:

    My wife is almost exactly where you’re at in Oathbringer audiobook.

    Cool! Even though with how slow I'm reading, I bet by now that's no longer the case 😅

    SA3 chapter 32: A short chapter about Shallan to end part 1. There was that one thing she said about the other Unmade "they will be normal to us, the way things always were" or something along those lines... What does this mean? I'm guessing one of them is the Thrill, but what might the others be? Hm... Anyway, the chapter ends with Jasnah returning, and everyone finally finds out she's alive! Except I have to wait for part 2 to see their reactions! Three interludes are next, and unfortunately Szeth isn't one of them 😕

  10. On 10/6/2023 at 9:15 PM, Treamayne said:

    I'm not sure if you are planning to do the group read thing with SP4, the way you did for previous Secret Projects, but I wanted to give you a heads up that there are significantly more references to Cosmere works you have not yet read. If you do read it, then I hope you will post a reaction post in the non-Spoiler section so we can get an idea of how the books reads to fans that have not yet "read everything."

    I'll make sure to let you know my thoughts on SP4 one way or another.

    Anyway, SA3 chapter 31: Kaladin finally decides to leave the parshmen and report back to Dalinar. He tries to save the people stuck in the storm and... sorta gets a new power of holding the storm back? It was very cool, but seemed a bit convenient. Or maybe the windspren just wanted to help him because he's a windrunner so they feel an affinity toward him? Anyway, after in book 1 he got to ride the storm in his dream, it's really cool that he finally got to ride the storm irl. Though speaking of that dream, it turns out not to be one of the powers of windrunners. Do we ever get an explanation of how that happened? At this point I'm honestly not sure where this book (Oathbringer) is going - it seems like the characters are mostly trying to adjust to their new location and new circumstances and everything they have to deal with. But it's also kinda interesting, so I don't mind the disorientation. Does make it harder to come up with theories of what will happen next.

    If you wanna hear what's been keeping me so busy lately, I'll put it in a spoiler box:


    First and foremost, I started a new job. The commute is long, and I have no time and energy for anything on weekdays. As for weekends:
    One weekend I went to an acro festival, which was a vacation I'd planned a long time ago. If you wanna see what I did there, here's a very short vid I made: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/io9V2pM1nXY
    Another weekend I went to a writers conference to pitch to a literary agent in person and try and figure out why I've been querying for ten years without ever getting a single request. My pitch resulted in a request, so as instructed I followed up with a query... which has got me terrified that I'm back to square one XD
    The next weekend I tried to catch up on chores, errands, sleep, and everything else... and I also got a new housemate.
    This weekend I can finally breathe 😅


  11. SA3 chapter 29: We're stopping the chapter there??? Wow, this was weird to read right after reading a certain section of Yumi. There seem to be lots of Cosmere connections, and I understand none of them :lol:. Anyway, Shallan goes chasing the spren killer, and when she finds a Dark Pit with a Spiral Staircase (TM), she sends for Adolin and Bridge Four. At one point they reach a locked door and Adolin cuts it down with his Blade, but can't Pattern open locks? Also, Renarin was wearing Plate - does Plane not make Radiants hear screams like Blade, or did Renarin actually get this Plate through being a Radiant? So, is this midnight monster one of the nine shadows? What are they going to do about it? They have to somehow stop it from killing people, but I don't know if it can be killed or contained. I'm trying to come up with theories of what will happen next, but drawing a blank. I'll just have to RAFO.

  12. On 8/22/2023 at 6:11 PM, Lego Mistborn said:

    I think every single person should do one of these for SA5

    OMG, that would be so cool!

    On 8/22/2023 at 9:11 PM, Lego Mistborn said:

    It's amazing the things I just don't notice in my readthroughs. Wowza.

    Are you saying there's something I noticed that you haven't noticed when you first read Oathbringer?

    SA3 chapter 28: Oathbringer the Shardblade has been found! We get that masterpiece quote from Dalinar, "Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a person who is in the process of changing." which I've definitely seen before, but can't remember where. Was it in one of those excerpts from Oathbringer the in-world book at the top of chapters? Anyway, the chapter ends with Dalinar finding out the Stormfather can create shared visions, and he can go meet the reluctant world leaders that way. I definitely look forward to reading about that! Meanwhile, Taravangian continues to be creepy, and of course, even though Dalinar notices Taravangian is different than before, he assumes he just misjudged him before, and doesn't realize Taravangian is actually different on this given day. So when do we get back to Kaladin? Also, I'm getting increasingly nervous for Adolin for when his dad finds out he killed Sadeas...

  13. On 8/16/2023 at 3:05 PM, Treamayne said:

    You will start getting some answers this book.

    On 8/16/2023 at 4:59 PM, Elder said:

    So…… close…… to…. answers…..


    On 8/16/2023 at 5:09 PM, alder24 said:

    Every time you speculate or ask questions like that you make me grin :D 

    Yay :)

    SA3 chapter 27: Shallan finally finds out that Kaladin killed Helaran, yikes! Then she finds these drawings that she doesn't remember making... is she losing her mind, or did someone or something else draw those, kind of like the spren imitating the killings? Seeing as Pattern doesn't remember her sketching those, I tend to believe she's not actually losing her mind, and that something else is responsible, but who knows...

  14. SA3 chapter 26, Dalinar's past: I think the Thrill is some part of Odium or something created by him, and somehow also connected to the rhythm of war that the listeners hear, but it's weird that a human (Dalinar) can also hear this rhythm. I'm guessing it's all also connected to the listeners' gods, who are maybe servants of Odium kind of like the Heralds seem to be servants of Honor? I hope I get answers soon! But I won't be too surprised if I only get proper answers in the next book, since it's titled Rhythm of War.

  15. SA3 chapter 25: Shallan manages to make her illusions speak for themselves for the first time and it's not really explained how; apparently it just came with practice? It seems like she's also starting to be able to create things she didn't draw. Then she catches a couple glimpses of the spren that's been copying all attacks - if indeed it's a spren like she's assuming, and if indeed it is the thing that's copying the attacks. My guess is yes at least on the second. But what was that part about her seeing multiple versions of herself? Did the spren do that, or did Shallan do that inadvertently for some reason?

  16. On 8/4/2023 at 10:54 PM, Treamayne said:

    Sorry. I just thought you might have had some other reason.

    No worries. Guess what I wrote wasn't very clear :lol:

    SA3 chapter 23: On the one hand, I want to find out what the parshmen are planning (or rather, what the voidspren are planning for them). On the other, I'm starting to worry that if Kaladin stays for too long, something will start going wrong. My guess is that the one the voidspren answer to is one of the listener gods.

    Chapter 24: Taravangian arrives at Urithiru. I'm guessing this is one of his stupider days. I think it's cool that he has this condition that absolutely no one can guess at, because it's completely unique. I mean, sure, people in this world know about the Nightwatcher, but that doesn't give them the ability to guess this specific thing she did to Taravangian. You can't find a better cover than your condition/abilities being beyond anyone's ability to imagine. I have some of that irl, so I can relate XD.

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