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Posts posted by Kirby

  1. 22 hours ago, Kirby said:

    hi just lettin' y'all know I exist say anything pre-RoW I'll probably know what you're talking about so long as it's not Elantris

    one thing I forgot to mention: in terms of Mistborn era 2, I've only read Alloy of Law - no spoilers please and thanks

  2. 19 hours ago, Justice_Magician said:

    Welcome!! whats your favorite Brando book?

    Mistborn Secret History


    4 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

    Welcome! Which Metallic art is your favourite? (Allomancy, Feruchemy or Hemalurgy?)

    Honestly I'm caught between Allomancy or Feruchemy. If I had to choose one power I'd go with Feruchemical gold, AKA health, but really I'd rather be capable of Compounding it

  3. On 1/17/2019 at 5:29 AM, goody153 said:

    That giant blade that bleeds black smoke on his back that is his spren.

    Ok serious answer. The skybreakers have the same squire system as the windrunners so he got squired at the beginning as to how he initially is able to use skybreaker abilities. He got spren around the 3rd ideal after he swore infront of Nale to serve Dalinar. The highspren only showed itself once in the readers pov and to szeth it occasionally pops up but doesn't really show himself/herself/itself most of the time. 

    Ok technically nightblood is a spren so he does have a spren aside from the skybreaker spren.

    Nightblood isn't a spren. Have you read Warbreaker? Nightblood is a sword created with Breath, Awakened and given the Command to destroy evil. My only question is how he got transferred from Vasher's possession to Szeth's.

    I know that Nightblood is a sword, and technically genderless, but it's less offensive to think of Nightblood as with a gender, and based off the description of the voice, I'd say Nightblood's male

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